should I go for school...or save my family?

2010-05-21 6:56 am
family situations at home are calling for quite a bit of money. Should I give up my savings to help them out and save them from harder times, or should I keep it put away so I can go back to school as i'd originally planned?

回答 (7)

2010-05-21 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sweety .. I think we need more details about how bad is your family situation is and how bad they need the money, maybe there is other ways to help them. giving them the money will not ebd the problem.
It's very nice of you to think of your family before thinking of your self..
But giving them the money is not always the right thing to do.
would u please IM me so I could understand more and help you better.
take care
2010-05-21 2:00 pm
it is all if someones life is in trouble then go for the family but other then that..go to school because going to skool could probably get u more money in the future....and maybe get a job to help ur family so then u can keep ur school money
2010-05-21 1:59 pm
You should definitely save it for school!
2010-05-21 2:16 pm
school for the win.
2010-05-21 2:11 pm
Well... both things are important in your life.... but if you think the family is in big financial problem.... then you have to help them out.....because your parents is your world, in all bad or good time they always with you... i,m not saying you leave the school.... but at-least ask your parents for can also discuss to your school teacher about this situation....maybe they'll give better suggestion more then us.
2010-05-21 2:06 pm
go back to school
2010-05-21 2:05 pm
save it, even if you offer it would be wrong of your family to except it. your parents didn't have you so you could take care them one day. they gave you life so you could live it. don't jepardize your future. also you don't want a reason to resent your parents for not getting an education.

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