that depends on what you are trying to measure.
firstly, if you try to monitor food intake, the fasting glucose test is important. i.e. 8 hours fast at night, and before your breakfast, measure the glucose.
normal people will be in range of 4-6mmol, Diabetic patient who can not control their fasting glucose, will have a high fasting glucose level. Every patient will need to check this to see if they gain control of their glucose.
when you are confirm with diabetic, you will need to determine what stage of diabetic you are in. Thing that you need to find out is
1) whether you are producing insulin?
2) whether you have insulin resistance?
3) whether you beta cell is failing?
there is no "best" time to measure, you will need to determine which stage you are in, then you could determine what is the best time to measure and manage it accordingly.
also, it will depend on what regime of therapy that you are currently at.
E.g. if you are on long acting SU, then you probably don't need to monitor too closely with the blood glucose.
on the other hand, if you are on short acting IS agent, like novonorm, it will make senses to monitor closely, so that you can determine the dosage that you need.
The same apply if you are on long acting insulin or short acting insulin...
Usually patient will take reading on fasting and before dinner.
And, in some way, Doris is right, that you need to consult professional, because balancing the blood glucose will determine how long the patient could live!! it is really important... and it is not easy too!
2010-05-21 13:26:51 補充:
firstly, I can not type chinese, but I will try here.
let define the terms first,
fasting glucose: 空腹血糖
2010-05-21 13:32:22 補充:
insulin resistance: 是一個理論, 並不是胰島素生產出現問題, 而是某完胰島素受體出現問題, 可能和自體immune system 有關
2010-05-21 13:33:46 補充:
beta cell 是生產胰島素的細胞
2010-05-21 13:39:21 補充:
SU, sulfonylurea eg Dimicron, 會令beta 細胞生產胰島素, 一般藥郊長
2010-05-21 13:41:02 補充:
novonorm, 藥各, 短郊令beta 細胞生產胰島素
2010-05-21 13:44:55 補充:
long acting insulin, 胰島素有分長郊or 短郊...
2010-05-21 13:50:46 補充:
你空腹血糖高,假如不能用飲食未能調節 血糖, 建議開始食藥.
good luck!
2010-05-21 13:59:47 補充: