
2010-05-20 8:30 pm
本人是用Dell的電腦,最近不知何解?每次開機load完dell的logo後,畫面就祗剩下浮点在左上角閃下閃下,直至5至10分鐘才出現windows XP的loading畫面,我已檢查過 RAM和顯示卡都沒有問題,亦試過清理及重組磁碟機,甚至更換另一部磁碟機,但結果都是一樣,不知是否底板有問題還是其它原因?

回答 (3)

2010-05-20 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Boot into Safe mode. Run your anti virus program to rid any viruses or malware that might be the cause. Reboot to check.

2. If unchanged, go Start \ All programs \ Accessories \ System Tools \ System restore and run restore to an earlier date (those dates are in BOLD). This will delete some programs installed after the restore-to-date so don't go too far back in the calendar. We need to rule out the offending software or any corrupted system settings this way. All your work, however, will stay unchanged but I still recommend regular USB back ups, just in case.

2010-05-20 12:56:52 補充:
3. If it's stil the same, reinstall XP but DO NOT select the format option otherwise you'll end up with an empty O/S without any of your work. This will replace any corrupted system files in XP. Back up your personal files before you proceed.
參考: My PC Know How, Wingtlau
2010-05-20 9:27 pm
2010-05-20 8:42 pm
have you reformat your windows operating system? or use the antivirus software to scan your hardisk yet?

The problem might cause by malware, adware or virus hosted inside your system file.

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