find F1 exan paper

2010-05-20 1:50 am
Final exam is coming.
I want some exam papers, to get a good result.
I want some, but more will be better, and can yo give me faster.
I am in F1 (EMI).
if you can find ss1 and ss2 in english chi hist in chinese that will be prefect.

Please email to [email protected]
Thank you so much~

can you help me??


only one is ok ga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2010-06-01 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
F.1-F.3 Supplementary Exercise

F1 Living Science (Test Paper) with Ans
Ch1 Starting science
Ch2 Exploring the living world
Ch3 Cells and human reproduction
Ch4 Energy
Ch5 The wonderful solvent - water

2010-06-02 11:45:10 補充:
u just need to open it

2010-06-02 11:48:37 補充:

i think u need to be the member first
actually this website has a lot of past paper
參考: me, me, me
2010-05-25 2:22 am
why when i open the wbsite but noting is there???

2010-06-01 20:36:29 補充:
Kai people,
The link that yougive me i need to down load. But i want that is do not need to down load. can you give me another
2010-05-21 10:55 pm

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