
2010-05-20 12:17 am

回答 (3)

2010-05-20 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案

(1) 可用洗頭液浸透污處,再將白醋加水稀釋,用刷子蘸上溶液輕輕擦洗,污垢可除。

(2) 用布條浸酒精輕輕擦拭污處即可去掉。

(3) 將污漬用冷水浸濕后,涂些牙膏,抹少量肥皂輕輕搓揉,如有痕蹟,再用酒精擦拭即可。

(4) 把牛奶燒開,在衣服下墊一塊毛巾,用一團棉花蘸土熱牛奶在油蹟處涂擦,直到油蹟消失。

(5) 先用汽油擦洗后再用洗滌劑清洗(不可用熱水泡)。

2010-05-21 11:49 pm
You can find a solvent to dissolve the ink of the ball pen . The solvents can be alcohol , mineral spirit , nail polish remover or lacquer thinner . The solvency incresing from left to right & the damage of the fiber in the same way . You can use a cotton swab to test in an inconspicous spot to see the safety to use that solvent .
Use the swab take the solvent & wipe the ink spot from outside to the centre . In this way you will not extend the dirt . Choose the solvent is safe & effective to remove the ink . You may repeat several times & finally you put your clothes in your washer to wash it once .
2010-05-20 12:23 am

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