Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide you access to the account you requested at this time. Due to security reasons, we can only grant a user access to an account if they can send or receive emails from one of the email addresses associated with the account or correctly answer the security question that was selected when the account was created. Since there was no security question set up on this account, we will not be able to assist you. We apologize for any inconvenience, but this decision is final.
As a result, this account has been removed from the site. Users will not be able to search for it or view any of its content. Should you wish, you can create a new account using your current email address. If you create a new account, please be sure to set up a security question to avoid similar situations in the future. You can add a security question by going to the Account Settings tab, located in the Settings dropdown menu at the top of any page.
Thanks for understanding our security policy,
User Operations
話說本人3月中時, fb ac 比人爆左, 之後我sd左封e-mail比facebook, 叫佢地幫幫我。
過左一星期冇回覆, 咁我自己咁岩搵人幫我拎返ac, 見facebook 咁耐都冇回覆就算啦,
點知4月頭, 無啦啦凍結左我ac。 我梗係又第一時間sd封野比facebook, 問下佢乜事,
第一封佢又唔肯回我wor, 跟住我sd第二封比佢, 話我之後比人爆左ac既野,
佢依封就回我, 要求我答安全問題。 我心諗, 我好似冇set 安全問題, 咁點答?
咁我如實咁答啦, 佢就話我錯。 答多幾次後, 佢彈封咁既e-mail比我,
竟然話我冇set 安全問題, 基於安全理由唔可以幫我,
我本來sd封 e-mail叫佢幫我, 但佢唔單止冇幫我, 同帶左更多麻煩比我,
我fb真係有好多野lor, 依家完全拎唔返, ac仲係凍結緊t^t