
2010-05-19 9:07 am

為何救世軍的中高級成員會有軍銜(如救世軍港澳軍區總指揮傅三川上校 上救世軍港澳軍區婦女事工會長傅邱丹妮少校 ,救世軍港澳軍區秘書長藍沛施少校 )?他們的軍銜是靠甚麼擢升?軍功?

回答 (2)

2010-05-19 5:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
為何救世軍的中高級成員會有軍銜(如救世軍港澳軍區總指揮傅三川上校 上救世軍港澳軍區婦女事工會長傅邱丹妮少校 ,救世軍港澳軍區秘書長藍沛施少校 )?

Salvation Army is not a para-military organisation.....

Their "rank" is not an military rank, rather is the way to distinguish between senior and junior member. Where as actually military rank, each rank comes with a different command ability.

Salvation army was formed in UK modelled and organisation into Military Structure. They only issue rank to Officer Corp in Salvation Army and there are no rank avaliable to Soldier of Salvation Army. They were simple called soldier.

Officer Corp were the only organisation within the Salvation Army that to use rank. The original intention is to award the "soldier of christ" and the rank was not a military rank, but a quasi-ranking system that mould over the military organisation.

Each rank have different posting, but did not have direct command power (Such as obeying the chain of command) over the lower rank member. Such realtionship is best descripted as a boss/supervisor to a company, rather than a commander of a squad or military company.

EACH OFFICER, however, like military officer were to select thought a selection board and see to it that you have the substance to become an officer in salvation army, then you will be recommended and commissioned.


Well, majority of the prmotion is by years of service, there are also so called "field promotion" which see an officer jump to next rank ahead of people with longer service before him, in their hand.

參考: I was in the US military and Salvation Army, kind of know the different between both....
2010-05-21 2:57 am

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