Feeling about baby's first crying?

2010-05-19 1:39 am
What was your feeling when you heard the first crying of your newborn baby?

回答 (6)

2010-05-19 3:21 am
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"Give me some air,
I've been swimming for nine months." <}:-})
2010-05-19 11:15 am
Let out a relieved laughter!!!

That WAS the sound I wanted to hear most...and go back to sleep contented :)
2010-05-19 9:22 am
I cried like a baby myself.
All the work and effort had paid off, my baby had been born healthy and that cry is proof (at least to a certain extent.)
My baby had crossed her legs so we had no idea if it would be a boy or girl and had to have the neutral green and yellows.
It is such an amazing rewarding experience.
2010-05-19 9:14 am
I am not a mother, but my girlfriend just had a baby. She said she actually felt RELIEF that her baby was fine and healthy!
2010-05-19 9:02 am
I really didn't have any feelings about the crying. I was overwhelmed by the childbirth.
2010-05-19 8:46 am
I never knew that I was capable of loving anyone that much.

Love and blessings Don

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