
2010-05-19 6:05 am
麻煩大家將以下幾句中文句子轉為英文句子,盡量簡單一點,因為工作上經常與到同樣的客人 。謝謝

1 這是公司規矩,若果人人好似你咁,其他人就會照做,所以麻煩你再付款用電腦 , 否則我會將你朋友的電腦上鎖 , 對唔住。

2 沒有叉電和燒錄dvd服務,對唔住。

3 電腦只供一人使用,麻煩你的朋友請在外面等候。

4 坐位只供用電腦的客人使用,麻煩你/你的朋友請在外面等候。

回答 (5)

2010-05-21 8:47 pm
1 This is the company rules, if everyone was like you did, someone else will do, so please pay using your computer, otherwise I will put your friend's computer locked, sorry.
2 No fork electric and burn DVDs, sorry.
3 The computer only for a people-to-use trouble you friend waiting outside.
4 Seats are available only to the computer by using its guests, trouble you/your friend is waiting outside.
2010-05-19 11:54 am
1. Pay first before using the computer is the company regulation, or else I will lock up your friends’ computer. If you use the computer without making a payment, everybody will follow suit.

2. We apologize for not having recharging and burning DVD services.

3. The computer can be used by one individual at a time, please have your friend wait outside for the next available slot.
4. The seats are for the computer clients only. Please have your friend to wait outside.

2010-05-19 10:54 am
1 這是公司規矩,若果人人好似你咁,其他人就會照做,所以麻煩你再付款用電腦 , 否則我會將你朋友的電腦上鎖 , 對唔住。
1.This is our company's policy. If you were allowed to do so, other people would follow. So please pay service fee again, or else your friend's computer will be locked.

註: "If you were allowed to do so, other people would follow. " 所說情況與實情相反, 故條件句用過去式. 原句 "若果人人好似你咁," 會令人覺得態度欠佳, 故譯句作出調整

2 沒有叉電和燒錄dvd服務,對唔住。
2. Sorry, Sir/ Madam. There is neither battery-charging nor DVD-burning service here.
3 電腦只供一人使用,麻煩你的朋友請在外面等候。
3. Each computer is for just one person. Could you please ask your friend to wait outside?
4 坐位只供用電腦的客人使用,麻煩你/你的朋友請在外面等候。
4.The seat is just for (a) client using computer. / The seats are just for clients using computers. Would you please wait outside./ Could you please ask your friend to wait outside?

2010-05-19 8:51 am
1 這是公司規矩,若果人人好似你咁,其他人就會照做,所以麻煩你再付款用電腦 , 否則我會將你朋友的電腦上鎖 , 對唔住。

This is company's policy that every one should pay for their time slots in using the computers. If your time expired, please make a new payment. Every one will follow you, if you don't make a new payment for your next time slot. Thank you.

2 沒有叉電和燒錄dvd服務,對唔住。

Sorry, there aren't any rechargeable and DVD burning services available.

3 電腦只供一人使用,麻煩你的朋友請在外面等候。

Each computer is for 1 user only. Please ask your friend to wait out of the area/outside please. Thank you.

4 坐位只供用電腦的客人使用,麻煩你/你的朋友請在外面等候。

The seats are for computers users' only. If you and your friends want to wait, please go out of the are/outside. Thank you.
2010-05-19 6:29 am
1 this is the company rules, if everyone was like you did, someone else will do, so please pay using your computer, otherwise I will put your friend's computer locked, sorry.

2 no fork electric and burn DVDs, sorry.

3 computer only for a people-to-use trouble you friend waiting outside.

4 seats for use with computers, trouble of guests you/your friend is waiting outside.
參考: 我本人

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