
2010-05-19 5:43 am

回答 (4)

2010-05-19 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't agree, I think water will evaporate faster, because the osmolarity of the sugar water will prevent evaporation.

but then it just a theory, you probably need to conduct experiment to confirm it!

2010-05-23 14:24:23 補充:
relatively speaking, the sugar act like a dehydrating agent, when it will suck the water from air... I think I am right...
2010-05-21 7:44 am
The water is more easily evaporated.

A solution starts to vaporize when its vapor pressure is equal to the vapor pressure of the surrounding since the vapor pressure of sugar solution is smaller than the vapor pressure of water at a given temperature, sugar solution evaporates at higher temperature

2010-05-20 23:47:48 補充:
More heat is needed to increase the vapor pressure of sugar solution such that it could be equal to the surrounding pressure

The presence of sugar dilute the solution and reduces its vapor pressure

之前的回答有誤..所以答案已刪除..以上現象係 change of entropy..所以很難從bonding 上睇出佢地既evaporation rate..002 的回答者是對的!!
2010-05-19 10:35 pm

但糖有很多 -OH group 喎!
一個葡萄糖/ 果糖有五個,
2010-05-19 5:50 am

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