求英文高手幫我改文法丫 2....

2010-05-19 4:57 am
We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your help in Joint School Oral Practice. Although we hadn't done a great job, we still have to thank for your help. We did learn something and gain experiences from that. It definitely couldn't held successfully without your help. Thank you.


回答 (5)

2010-05-19 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好 ~~~

下面都係我一 d ge 改正意見,你可以用黎作參考…

原文︰We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your help in Joint School Oral Practice. Although we hadn't done a great job, we still have to thank for your help. We did learn something and gain experiences from that. It definitely couldn't held successfully without your help. Thank you.

以上個篇文係唔係用黎多謝人 ge? 如果係 ge 話,其實你用現在式都無問題…

We just want to let you know how much we appreciate your help in Joint School Oral Practice. Although we hadn't done a great job in the competition, we still have to thank for your help. We do learn something and gain experiences from that. It definitely can't hold successfully without your help. Thank you.



Thank for your sincerely help although you were busy at that time!


希望可以幫到你 ~~~~~

2010-05-18 21:24:07 補充:

It definitely 「can't be held」 successfully without your help.
參考: Yogi
2010-05-20 1:50 am
首先用上past tense係錯的。

We just want to let you know how much we appreciate your help in the Joint School Oral Practice. Although we haven't done a great job, we still want to thank for your help. We have learnt much and gained experience from that. It definitely wouldn't be successful without your help. Thank you.

have to = must, here better to use want to(很想致謝) and not have to(被迫要致謝)
experience is uncountable.
couldn't held successfully是中文,如要用你這些字寫正確英文是 couldn't have beed held sucessfully.太長了。
2010-05-19 9:32 pm
We would like to let you know how much we appreciate your help in Joint School Oral Practice. Although we didn't bring the best out of us , we would still like to thank for your help. We did learn something and gain experience from that. It definitely couldn't be held successfully without your assistance . Thank you.

Ans : Thank you very much for the time you devoted for the Oral Practice.

2010-05-19 20:52:25 補充:
I would say 'we would like to ' is much more polite than saying ' we just want to' . So , I suggested that you change the latter to the former .
參考: myself :)
2010-05-19 5:22 am
gramatically, i found only in the last sentence,

It definitely couldn't be held successfully without your help.
2010-05-19 5:18 am
We just wanted to let you know THAT how much we appreciateD your help in: Joint School Oral Practice. Although we hadn't DONE OUR BEST, we still HAD to thank you FOR YOUR ASISTANT (唔好用兩次HELP). We learnT something and gainED experiences from THE PRACTICE. It WOULDN'T BE successful without your help. ThankS AGAIN.

2010-05-18 21:20:53 補充:

成段野應該係現在式就係用現在式. 過左去既過去式. 顧明思議你呢段係過左去啦~

2010-05-18 23:41:27 補充:

Thanks for your time in helping us/at the practice.
Thank you for your time in helping us/at the practice.

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