唔該趙我睇下封resign letter有咩問題!! 10點

2010-05-18 8:08 am

幫下睇睇grammar有咩錯, 或者講得唔好!!

Dear xx, I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my present position with xx effective from xth May. I was inexperience at work and only a fresh graduate, thank you for giving a chance to learn and gain the valuable work experience in xx ltd. I work at xx for only a short time, but I learn so much valuable knowledge from from my job.

I hope my resignation would not cause you much inconvenience. Thank you for your king attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before leave.

回答 (4)

2010-05-18 9:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
ps work experience係啱既(佢係一個compound noun) working experience先係錯

1. thank you for giving ME a chance...(冇左受果個人)
2. I HAVE workED at xx for only a short PERIOD. (有個for字)
3. Thank you for your kinD attention and I would appreciate if I could HAVE a reference letter before leavING. (用我做subject會polite d)
4. I learn so much valuable knowledge from my job. (多左個from字)
2010-05-18 8:59 pm
Dear Sir/Madam,
I regret to inform you hereby that I have decided to resign
my present job in your Company with effect from XXth., May, 2010.
Though I, a totally inexperienced fresh graduate, have just worked for a short time in your Company, nevertheless, I feel obliged to express my
unfeigned gratitude for the working knowledge I have learnt(or acquired) within the the period of my employment in your Company.
I sincerely hope my resignation will not cause any
inconvenience to you and the Company, and that your kind permission
for my resignation and issuing of a reference letter to my favour will be much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
參考: nil
2010-05-18 8:11 pm
你用的tense有些錯,由於你未離職,不是寫你工作史,所以不應用past tense,亦不應用present tense來說你的工作,應是用present perfect tense來表達你在這工作和對顧主的交代。003已把你的原文改正了grammar,我會試重寫讓你看看「好一點」的句式和內容表達。

Dear XX,

This letter servers to inform you that I have decided to tender my resignation effective on DD May.

I was a fresh graduate without work experience when I first met you and I really appreciate your faith in me to allow me to take this post. Even though I have only worked for a short time, you and this company have taught me many valuable work related skills and I have gained much knowledge to further develop my career.

I thank you and greatly appreciate to be able to have a reference letter from you before I leave to mark my work experience here.


2010-05-18 6:00 pm

(proof-read version)

I regret to inform you that I have decided to resign from my present position effective from xth May.
I am very grateful to you. Although I have little work experience and I am only a fresh graduate, you still offer me the job and give me a chance to learn and gain valuable work experience in xx ltd. I work at xx for only a short period of time, but I have learned so much valuable knowledge from my job.

I hope my resignation will not cause much inconvenience to you and the company. Thank you for your kind attention and I would appreciate it if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.

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