
2010-05-18 2:53 am
1.if an interior angle of a regular polygon is 5 times its exterior angle,find the number of sides of the regular polygon

2.if twice of an exterior angle of a regular polygon is 140 less than its interior angle,find the number of sides of the regular polygon

回答 (1)

2010-05-18 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. An interior angle = (n - 2)(180*)/n

An exterior angle = 360*/n

So, (n - 2)(180*)/n = 5(360*)/n

(n - 2) = 10

n = 12

So, the regular polygon is a 12-side polygon

2. 2(360*)/n + 140* = (n - 2)(180*)/n

720* + n140* = n180* - 360*

40*n = 1080*

n = 27

So, the number of sides of the regular polygon is 27
參考: Prof. Physics

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