
2010-05-17 11:38 pm

一定要 * 符合我條件又好少人會用 * !!!


回答 (5)

2010-05-18 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案

2010-05-18 3:45 am
Artemis 是好少人會用的名字。她源自古希臘神話;她是 Apollo 的 twin sister。羅馬人所叫的 Diana 了。
Artemis 是月亮女神;是太陽神的雙生姊妹。她的美麗與智慧,是無可懷疑的了。
如果你叫 Diana,那是太通俗一點,但其實是一樣的。你可給別人介紹自己說:我叫 Artemis,那是亞德美斯;和Diana是一樣的呢!
2010-05-18 2:46 am
Claire (法文 claire 是來形容月光, 英文也有聰明的意思)
Venus( 愛神的名字, 是個十分漂亮的人)
heather( 埃及愛神hathor的異體字)
stella( 拉丁文星星的意思)
lucis (拉丁文光亮, 閃閃發光)
2010-05-18 2:38 am
betty nicvictor chartiay
參考: me
2010-05-18 12:34 am
Abhramani (Moon)
Adara (Beauty)
Alda (Beauty)
Alida (Beauty)
Priyanka (Beauty)
Yuna (Moon)
Tadelesh (Lucky)
Svetlana (Star)
Yaffa (Beauty)
Yoomee (Star)
Yoshe (Beauty)
Zaida (Fortune)
Gudrun (Wisdom)
Amellia (Wisdom)
Minda ( Wisdom)

Preferrable ( I suppose you like or Often-seen)

From my point of view,Miss Tin-na,you should know that none of the names existed carries all of your requirements above. Furthermore,any of them has its own,unique and special symbol.

2010-05-17 16:36:00 補充:
I'm not sure whether you understand what I try to explain to you.

2010-05-18 23:11:14 補充:
Names in red are preferable.
參考: From the link given by you

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