關於adv. 既擺位

2010-05-17 9:06 pm

1) I don't really love you
2) I really don't love you

1) Do you successfully add the course?
2) Do you add the course successfully?



回答 (3)

2010-05-18 4:44 am
the sense of dislike in the 1st sentence is not as strong as in the 2nd sentence (don't really like 唔係幾中意 really don't like 真係好唔中意)

the 1st and 2nd sentences are the same (in meaning)
參考: me
2010-05-17 10:31 pm
we usual say

1) I don't really love you
2) Do you add the course successfully?
the first two grammar is ok. it just use in different time amd emotion.
the other two we usual put adv. at the back of the sentence to stronger the emotion.
參考: hope it help you
2010-05-17 10:24 pm
1) I don't really love you.
2) I really don't love you.
1) 我其實並不愛你。 (講法比較含蓄)
2) 我真的不愛你了。 (講法比較直接)

1) Do you successfully add the course?
2) Do you add the course successfully?
1) 你是否成功地加插了那科?
2) 你去加插那科辦妥了沒有?


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