
2010-05-17 4:51 pm
佢地的Practical English Phonetics and Phonology的學費是一堂$980,還是6堂是$980??
我ENG好差(係學校只拿到1等),而我係21/6要考CE ORAL
咁我只上6堂中的4堂,我係CE ORAL到有冇機會拿到2or3等???
參加佢地的Practical English Phonetics and Phonology有冇限制年齡??

回答 (1)

2010-05-26 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 無錯,國際音標學會的網址是:


(2) Practical English Phonetics and Phonology 這個課程是 6 堂收費 HK$980。



(3) 如果你英文好差,建議你再去其他機構或學校去補下英文文法及其他英文相關的知識 (最好是專為考試而設的,可以較貼近考試的需要)。因為要英文 Oral 好,除左發音以外,文法、字彙等都好重要。


The course aims at improving one's spoken English through the understanding of the important theories and applications concerning the pronunciation and speech of English. The course is divided
into two parts:-

Part I: Phonetics: English phonemes will be explained in terms of International Phonetic Symbols; vowels and diphthongs; consonants in respect of the manner and the place of articulations; the application of phonetic symbols in dictionaries. After this fundamental stage, participants are expected to have the ability to pronounce every word shown in a dictionary.

Part II: Fluency: the differences in accents between General British and General American, Australian and others. Stress and weak form of words. Sounds changes in connected speech: assimilation, elision and linking; introduction to intonation.

The course is instructed in Cantonese and English to help Participants to understand the bilingual differences and the causes of common errors in pronunciation.

因此,即使讀完這個課程,你考 CE Oral 時,未必百分之一百可以保證你考到 2 或 3等。

(4) 佢地個課程有年齡限制。報名者必須是 18 歲以上。詳情可以參考返報名表上的資料。

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