轉大學, 唔該幫下忙

2010-05-17 3:57 am
最低限度要幾多分? 我有睇過呢幾間既requirement
最高應該係USYD, 7.8不過係for USYD foundation
而ANU就係7.4, 我上網問過, 有師兄話佢有朋友
想轉去ANU, 收86up, 係咪真係要咁高?
我黎講, 呢個SEM讀緊5科, 4科都handle到
都有80 90分平均, 但係英文差, 60 70分
拉低晒個分, 所以我真係好擔心我轉唔到(唔好問原因..)
或者有冇升學顧問幫我下呀? THZZZZZZ

回答 (2)

2010-05-22 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are really interested to apply for these 3 universities, why don't you try to apply? That's better than you just guess. We could help you to apply. FREE OF CHARGE

留學會客室 Tel: 852 6929 8304 MSN: [email protected]
2010-05-19 6:08 pm
最低限度要幾多分? 我有睇過呢幾間既requirement
最高應該係USYD, 7.8不過係for USYD foundation
而ANU就係7.4, 我上網問過, 有師兄話佢有朋友
想轉去ANU, 收86up, 係咪真係要咁高?

Those 3 are not usually take on other Foundation student from other College. Even they will not take other G8 foundation easily, let alone non-G8......

I don't really know what and where you heard of those mark you need, but generally, you don't have any chance to get into G8 unless you aced all the test. Whatever they require is from their own foundation, that mark is not to follow by other foundation course in other institute.

我黎講, 呢個SEM讀緊5科, 4科都handle到
都有80 90分平均, 但係英文差, 60 70分
拉低晒個分, 所以我真係好擔心我轉唔到(唔好問原因..)

Look, each school have their own policy regarding international student intake and they as you can imagine, will protect their own subsidery course first, so their places were usually going from Direct Entry to Own foundation Entry to Other G8 Foundation Entry then to Non-G8. Regardless of marks.

So, if a person who got in ANU foundation and get maybe 7.0 and you get 9.0 in say, Wollongong Foundation, they will be consider first before you, if there are places leftfrom all the normal intake,simply because he is from ANU foundation and you are not......

You may say this is not fair but in term of the College prespective, they are just protecting it's namesake......

So, unless you ARE REALLY LUCKY, your chance of getting in G8 using non G-8 foundation is not good.

By the way, Macquarie Commerce trump all G8 university in Commerce, why don't you consider that?

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