中譯英!! 緊急!! 20點!!

2010-05-17 12:24 am
=1= 開頭對白: (有聲音)
Y: 哇!~這是什麼音樂?
I: 這是馬來西亞的國歌Negaraku
Y: 喔,恩…但馬來西亞到底是個什麼樣的地方呢?
I: 乾脆我們去馬來西亞3日遊吧!
Y : 好的!

=2= 圖(飛機) (有聲音)

=3= 馬來西亞地圖
P:天氣介紹+風俗(SALAM) 我跟你做一下吧= =

= 4 = 雙子大廈圖
Y: 這裡是馬來西亞嗎?
I: 對. 這裡是馬來西亞的首都-吉隆坡
y :請問你(K)能幫我介紹雙子大廈嗎?
K: 講….

Y 走了這麼久,肚子餓了吧?
I 是的

= 5 = 食物(椰漿飯)
Y: 介紹

= 6 = 第二天
P: 景點介紹

= 7 = 食物(海南雞飯)
I: 介紹

= 8 = 第三天
K 景點介紹

= 9 =食物 (沙嗲+炸香蕉+白咖啡)
y 阿! 中午了 我們今天吃什麼呢
i 不如吃馬來西亞另一項美食—沙嗲
i 介紹沙嗲
i 但好像還是不飽呢..
Y 我知道馬來西亞還有一個著名點心-炸香蕉
Y 介紹炸香蕉
Y 配上怡保的白咖啡真是完美
I 白咖啡? 那是什麼
Y 簡單介紹白咖啡

回答 (2)

2010-05-17 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wow!Wat music is this?
This is the national anthem of Malaysia.
An exclamation.think......But what kind of is Malayia finally.
The Malaysian three-day tour that wh will go simply.
2010-05-17 1:13 am
= 1 = beginning dialogue: (voice)
Y: Wow! ~ what is this music?
I: this is the national anthem of Malaysia Negaraku
Y: Oh, well … but Malaysia are where?
I: simply we went to Malaysia 3 days!
Y: good!

= 2 = figure (aircraft) (voice)

= 3 = Malaysia map P: weather describes + Customs (SALAM) I'm with you do yourself ==

First day
= 4 = twin towers figure
Y: here is an icon?
I:-here is the capital of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-
Y: I ask you (K) can twin towers?
K: speak ....

Y left so long, hungry?
I Yes = 5 = food (rice)
Y: introduction

= 6 = second day
P: attractions

= 7 = food (chicken)
I: introduction

= 8 = third day
K attractions

= 9 = food (Satay + fried banana + white coffee) y Ah! At noon we eat?
I might as well eat Malaysia another food — Satay
I introduce Satay
It seems like it or not I filled it. ..
Y I know Malaysia there is a famous dessert-fried bananas
Y describes fried bananas
Y with Ipoh white perfect coffee
I white coffee? That's what
Y provides a brief introduction to white coffee

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