電腦下載了禁止改日期軟件, 可惜日期忘記了修正而安裝了

2010-05-16 3:48 pm
電腦下載了禁止改日期軟件, 可惜日期忘記了修正而安裝了
好大鑊, 求救
之前日子是2003.1.1 次次開機要修改,之後下載了軟件安裝了, 可惜忘記了之前修改日子
現在次次開機要修改亦修改不了, 因為軟件已安裝, 軟件是來自360度防日子被人修改軟件

回答 (3)

2010-05-16 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你說次次開機都是2003.1.1 日子、是因為你部機主板內粒鈕形電池無電。
2010-05-18 1:59 am
2010-05-16 4:12 pm
Fix-----The easiest way is the run
restore in your PC. In XP, > start.> All programs >
Accessories > System Tools > System Restore.> Restore my computer to an earlier time.In the calendar, find a previous date in bold
number. Try the one just before 2003.1.1Click on it
and follow prompt to restore your system to that date.PC will run restore and restart again when
finished.After reboot, your computer
will roll back to the codition on the date selected. This should take that particular program out of you PC.Don't ever do that again.
Note: This will clear
all programs installed after the restore point selected in step 3.
However, you won't lose all your work done since that date. Good luck!
參考: My PC Know How

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