
2010-05-16 10:20 am



回答 (3)

2010-05-16 3:34 pm
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唔好咁快打定輸數住, 城大都有學生入到Big4. 頭個幾間待遇會同Big4差不多, 如果你表現係好, 晉升速度會同big4差不多, 但好睇你係邊間2nd, 咩人及咩組. 不過, 2nd唔係請好多人, 咁多間個數夾埋唔夠Big4咁多人(香港big4一年請100-200人).

轉返big4方面, case係有, 但數目不明. 你要留意Big4有時會discount 2nd tier的工作經驗, 聽聞Grant Thornton轉Big4就無比人discount, 愈高grade走discount得仲多. 例如你做左3年就計你做左2年至2.5年.

我覺得辛苦係來自工作方面多過讀書方面. 有D公司係有study leave, exam leave. 2nd tier工作壓力不比big4少, 亦都有OT, 出job亦有可能編到偏遠地區工作.
2010-05-19 10:27 pm
其實001同002大致上都講晒, 所以只係比多少少意見
其實一開始入唔到big4唔係真係好大問題, 響細firm其實你學到嘅實際工作技巧同埋整個商業社會運作會比big4多好多, 呢d經驗有時反而會令到你之後入番big4更加有能力去應付~ 除非你諗住要響big4升partner, 如果你諗住係要轉番出commercial做個accounting manager咁樣, 你需要嘅只係big4個名同埋響佢度嗰一兩年經驗, 唔需要一畢業就入去, 如果唔係你可能好快就會厭惡入面嘅生活, 做得三年走番出唻, 只搵到一份人工二萬多嘅accountant~

2010-05-19 14:28:04 補充:
至於你話入面多唔多中途入去做嘅例子, 唔.....十個有一個囉, 其實好睇境, 早排炒人炒得勁, 仲邊會請人入去~~如果正常唻講, 因為總會有人走的, 所以點都會請番人入去, 不過呢支歌仔而家好似唱唔出聲lu~~
2010-05-16 10:54 am
The journey of accountancy is very long, and it is not a fast cap job. It means you will make money when you gain experience, professional recognition, connection, etc. The first 10 years are the most difficult part, too much work, but not enough of pay.

Big 4 is good, but the worse is that you only get their names of being there. I have met some people working in big 4 for few years, but not even know how to deal with the reality. Small firms give you more chances to learn, no matter public practice or working in industry. If you have heart to learn things, with good attitude, I can tell you, you can beat those big 4 guys easily!

Certainly, if you get the name of big 4, it certainly can help you, but again it is not always true. For long term, it really makes not too much difference. If you were a boss and want to get someone to work, what do you really look at? Just the companies in the resume, or the actual experience, reference, attitude, etc. A candidate tells you he is from big 4, or a candidate can tell you how to get the job done, who you should hire?

Part time study is always difficult, no matter what. It is challenging your life and physical condition. The longer it takes, the easier you would give up. Hold you self-esteem and focus on the target and tell yourself you can do it. Success is not free, behind the scene is always tear and sweat! But, tear and sweat would not kill you and just something you can proud to tell people that you make it!

Good luck!

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