兩電腦用同一寬頻上網~TP-LINK wireless

2010-05-15 11:29 am
a電腦是用線連接TP-LINK的...而b電腦是用wireless usb上網的
但是當a電腦玩online game時,b電腦就會上不到網頁了,只是彈出診斷連線,但按了都是連不到的,但當a電腦關掉了遊戲後,b電腦便可以立刻連到了網頁,有人可以幫忙解決問題嗎?謝謝!

Wing:我已經試過了這個做法...我首先先只set了a電腦~再嘗試從b電腦上網但依然上不 到網,然後再嘗試到b電腦一起做了同一方法,再嘗試依然是上不到網頁~還有別的方法嗎?謝~

回答 (2)

2010-05-15 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Possible cause: IP address conflict between your PC's. The following method is to assign a different IP address for one of your computers to avoid the conflict. Sometimes this happens when 2 computers are running the same version of Windows.

Fix------Do this in desktop PC (A as you say)
Get into your router via your internet browser. There is a router address in your owner's manual. Type it in the address box and enter. Go to DNS tab or elewhere to find the IP address and DNS server of your ISP. Be sure not to change any settings. Write them down exactly as what they are on paper. They ae something similar to this: and respectively. Log out. Close browser. At desktop, click Start then Run. Type cmd in box and enter.In DOS window at prompt, type ipconfig and enter. DOS will list the IP address of your computer with Subnet mask and default gateway. Write them down on paper exactly as what you see with numbers and dots. Click your internet connection icon in systray at bottom right of screen. Click Properties.In TCP/IP window, change Obtain automatic IP address to manual. Type in all the details from setp 3. Top group belongs to your computer.For bottom group, again change Obtain automatic IP address to manual. Type in DNS server then IP address for the bottom group from step 1. This directs your PC to your ISP. Click OK twice to exit. Reboot your desktop. Try to run both computers now. Note: If unsuccessful, you can always roll back by selecting Obtain automatic IP address in step 5. It won't do any harm.
參考: My PC Know How
2010-05-15 6:55 pm
Stop playing online games, that's it.

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