Is it normal for my 4 month old pinscher to hump his stuffed animal and eyaculate at such a young age?

2010-05-14 9:26 pm
My 4 month old pinscher has been humping his stuffed animals lately and yesterday I found him just standing still next to his stuffed animal. When I went closer to look at him... he's penis was completely out and swollen... you know, like when a dog had copulated with a *****, and then swells up to keep them "stuck together". It took him 15 minutes to go back in place...
Is this normal? For a puppy so young to eyaculate????
How do I stop him from humping? It kind of gets on my nerves!

回答 (4)

2010-05-15 1:55 am
2010-05-14 9:39 pm
it's normal my dog did that and every time I saw him hump anything I would make a him do a time out and he quickly got over that habit. Don't worry he will soon out grow it.
2010-05-14 9:35 pm
It is totally normal for a puppy to hump a stuffed toy, but not to ejaculate.

It will be said that when a puppy humps then it is through dominance, however I have had a foster here who did it as a puppy that is the mildest mannered rottie you could wish for and has never been dominant over anything.

Just distract him and get his mind off of it, or leave him only with smaller toys.
2010-05-14 9:33 pm
It's Spring- & he's an Animal. -WHAT do you expect ??! There is NO set "age" when ANY animals sexual "urges"- kick in... So there's Nothing wrong with your Dog... If you don't like the behaviour Ma Nature gave Him, then maybe You should KEEP the Stuffed Animal- & get rid of the Real One ! ;)

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