有關 Neurone 問題

2010-05-15 5:18 am

我想問 1 條 Sensory Neurone 係會一條由 Receptor 直接連到 Interneurone ( 沒斷 )

還是 n條 Sensory Neurones , 好似一條橋咁

一個 Dendron of one Sendory Neurone 連住另一個 Axon of another Sensory Neurone, 一直連住去到 Interneurone ?

同樣既問題 , Motor Neurone 也是如此?

謝 回 !


回答 (2)

2010-05-16 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
sensory neurone, those neurones connected with receptor

e.g. cone cell , 1 receptor, 1 sensory neurone
rod cells , 3 receptors , connected to 1 sensory neurone

sensory neurone can connect directly to motor neurone e.g. reflex

or connect to interneurone before link with motor one

more than one sensory neurones connected to 1 interneurone --> convergent effect

1 interneurone conncected to more than 1 motor effect --> divergent effect

all are possible
2010-05-15 8:25 am
還是 n條 Sensory Neurones , 好似一條橋咁...

I have no ideals, I don't think too many people have a good ideals about the actual wiring of the neurons...

for the sensory neurons, I think it is more like a web, so that complicate signaling can accomplish...i.e. signaling can overlap, and amplify according to the stimulation...

for the motor neurons, my guess is that it is more like bridge, so that one signal is passing though at one time with one AP.

Don't quote me for this answers, I am not too sure if I am right or not...(at all)

2010-05-15 00:26:07 補充:
but it is fun to think about it! thanks!

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