
2010-05-14 7:19 pm
下星期將會去歐洲旅行, 會先去倫敦, 途中2日會乘EUROSTAR去巴黎購物(如LV包包等), 再回倫敦, 最後轉飛去去阿姆斯特丹逗留3日再回香港。
1) 我在倫敦及巴黎買的東西應該在倫敦 / 巴黎 / 阿姆斯特丹 的機場做退稅呢?
2) 聽人說在巴黎的老佛爺百貨購買LV, CHANEL, MIUMIU等名牌較好, 因為退稅可集中於百貨公司的退稅櫃台做, 請問有什麼要留意?
3) 現在歐元及英鎊的匯率變動很大, 大額購物用現金 / 信用卡較好?

謝謝幫忙 ^^

回答 (2)

2010-05-14 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. All the tax refund should be claimed at the airport of Amsterdam.

2. See the following extracted from website of Lafayette: you are entitled to claim back the 12% tax

-Have your passport attesting that you are a non-resident of the European Union
-Have remained six months or less in France at the time of your purchase
-Must be over the age of 15
-Purchases must total over 175.01 Euros made on the same day in the same store (Lafayette Coupole, Maison and Homme are considered one store)
Purchases made in the Louis Vuitton boutique cannot be cumulated with other purchases from Galeries Lafayette.

What to do at Galeries Lafayette:
- After making over 175.01 Euros of purchases, bring your sales receipts and passport to the tourist tax refund (détaxe) office located on the mezzanine of the ground floor of the main store (Lafayette Coupole).
- Select a method of reimbursement.*
- You will then be issued a Tax Refund Form ("bordereau de détaxe") consisting of two sheets to be signed by the retailer and yourself. Please note that the person who made the purchases must be present when the tax refund form is issued.

What to do when exiting the European Union:
- When exiting the European Union, the tax refund form must be validated by European Union Customs within three months of the purchase, at either the airport , train station or border point.
- Before checking your luggage, present the tax form together with your purchases, passport and transportation ticket for inspection by Customs . Failure to present these items will result in cancellation of the forms and a possible fine.

2010-05-14 13:22:57 補充:
-Upon validation of your form by Customs, if you have selected a cash reimbursement, please proceed to the designated desk in the airport, train station or border point. For all other methods of reimbursement, you must post the pink sheet stamped by
2010-05-15 9:07 pm
問題1) 如中途在巴黎買的東西應該在巴黎的機場做退稅.

問題2) 在巴黎的老佛爺百貨購買LV, CHANEL, MIUMIU等名牌較好,

問題3) 現在歐元及英鎊的匯率變動很大,我便中意低位換定用現金再購物;
信用卡是找數日計,匯率會有變化, 如果低便好啦,但如果高便不花算.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:14:56
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