如果個客張credit card碌唔到,應點用英文同個客講?

2010-05-14 7:53 am
如果個客張credit card碌唔到,應點用英文同個客講?

回答 (8)

2010-05-16 11:49 am
筆者明白網友, Ho Fai ( 博士級 4 級 ) , 所說是事實, 但是, 禮貌上, 仍需婉轉。難道, 看見卡機的畫面上, 出現 "STOP" 的字樣, 直接跟客人說, 你的卡已被停止使用?
2010-05-15 2:17 pm
如果個客張credit card碌唔到,應點用英文同個客講? = you can say .....

sorry sir(miss), your credit card have some problem, we can't get the transaction. Do you have another cards instead?

or ....

excuse me, Sir/Miss, we can't get the transaction from your credit card, we are not sure what's going on, would u pls use another credit card? thanks.

2010-05-15 12:45 pm
如果真正有用過碌卡機, 就知道卡機上係會顯示大概問題的所在.

例如: 讀卡問題, 或者線路問題等等. 不用自己去估發生咩事.
2010-05-14 8:29 pm
I am sorry to let you know that this credit card can't read through the machine, do you have another one?

May be there is a problem
with the magnetic strap behind or the metal chip underneath...

Or, would u like to pay by cash or by EPS?
2010-05-14 8:04 pm
通常梗係客氣 D la......可以話 ......

seem the system cannot run through your card. do you have anonther one? 或直接問 do you have another card to try?
2010-05-14 4:09 pm


2010-05-14 8:47 am
1&2 都係張卡有問題過唔倒機. 問客人介唔介意用另一張.
1. Your card cannot go through our system. Would you like to try another one?

2. Theres is a problem with your card. Would you mind to use another one?

3. The line is busy right now. Would you mind to wait for a moment?

2010-05-14 00:48:17 補充:
1 to 3之前最好講SORRY先~
2010-05-14 8:09 am
It is better to use a more polite expression to tell your customer. Don't say - your (credit) card cannot be used due to the credit limit unless your customer insists on using the (credit) card. "Credit" can be left out since both you and your customer know what you are talking about.

You may say - It seems our system cannot get through your card/our system has some problem in using your card. Do you have another credit card or cash?

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