
2010-05-14 7:51 am
Permanent Hong Kong resident status
Minimum age of 18
Minimum of Grade E in 5 HKCEE subjects (including Level 2 or above in English Language), or equivalent
Fluency in English and Cantonese is required, Mandarin preferred
Polished interpersonal skills with a positive attitude and customer-oriented
Previous experience in the service industry is preferable.
A minimum arm-reach of 208cm and physical fitness to pass the pre-employment medical assessment

回答 (3)

2010-05-24 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
我表妹在美國讀書. 由小學讀到大學畢業. 修讀法律.
在香港投考空姐. 不合格.
原因是: 她講錯野. 話自己身体唔好, 好易暈.

不過也要親戚是空姐及空中少爺. 仍在工作中.

空姐要求真的真高. 因為一定要中五五科合格. (包括中英數)
第一關要在一間大房裡面. 五六個人一組. 分小組.
考官會提出一個topic, 比佢地分享.
整過過程. 只可以用英文來溝通. 不準講中文, 其他語言.
考官會有四五個人. 在行黎行去監視, 睇到你地其中一個沒有開聲講野. 即要你走. 也會留意你地的對答. 禮貌, 談判態度. 講野技巧,

第二關 : , 將西選出黎.人, 就見部門主管去傾計.. 多數會問.如果機上發生特別事故. 同時間客人有事要幫忙. 你會點樣處理。要用英文作答.

總之全個Interview都係以英文溝通,. 仲要申報你的健康狀況.
第三關係表示你一半ok. 見最高級的人.
一半ok的意思係. 最重要係佢會比你去驗身. 個度要等三個月. 驗身結果. 冇問題. 先至會比你做. 如果你學曆其他表現好ok. 而身体有病. 一樣唔請.

2010-05-23 22:42:07 補充:
考機場工作. 個人要懂得多種語言. 先會請. 基本係流利eng, 國語,廣東話.
2010-05-14 7:44 pm
Here are the questeions to ask yourself:

1. Permanent Hong Kong resident?
2. Minimum age of 18 ?
3. Minimum of Grade E in 5 HKCEE subjects (including Level 2 or above in English Language), or equivalent ?
一年制基礎文憑(旅遊業)..if you pass the course, does it mean that you meet this requirment?
4. Fluency in English and Cantonese is required, Mandarin preferred ? This is very important.
5. Polished interpersonal skills with a positive attitude and customer-oriented ?
6. Previous experience in the service industry ?
7. A minimum arm-reach of 208cm ?

If you manage to get all these requirement, you can fill up the application form.
2010-05-14 8:05 am
參考: 自己上網

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