如果地球沒有光存在的話, 會對人類帶來甚麼整體的影響?

2010-05-14 4:05 am
如果地球沒有光存在的話, 會對人類帶來甚麼整體的影響?


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參考: 我
2017-04-15 3:43 pm
7 年前
2010-05-14 4:35 pm
all life on earth have their life/chemistry base on light. If there is no light on earth, if life is going to start on earth, our chemistry may not be base on carbon. very likely that there will be no intelligent on earth ...

if there is no light on earth now, temperature will drop to -250?

with our current technology, a small group of us can probably last a while (provide they have basic resource like food), but only a while, may be a few years, when our energy ran out, which will be soon, we will die. Even if we found way to generate enough energy in a sustainable way, the most important of light to us is the aid of photosynthesis, when the plant uses sunlight and convert carbon dioxide back to oxygen, this is probably the only way that we can efficiently and effectively to have our oxygen recycle. if there is no light, when we use up our oxygen, that's the end for human.

if there is no light now, a small group of human will last a couple of years, after the last one die, earth will be lifeless!

hope that will not happen....

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