
2010-05-14 1:53 am
大約什麼grade? How facebook changes our life?
Nowadays, technical development is increasing sharply especially internet development. The affection on people such as facebook is great. In the following, I will examine the most positive effect of facebook in my life.
To start with, let us discuss the possible effect of facebook. Facebook serves as a channel for communication. For example, we can contact with other relatives living in other countries such as England and Japan successfully.Moreover, we are living in a fast -paced and stressful life style in Hong Kong. Facebook acts as a entertainment for us to release our pressure. As facebook contains a wide variety of games, information and music,so we have different sorts of ways in releasing our burden. Also, it can help us to maintain a good relationship with friends through playing games together. Obviously,it enables us to increase our friendship.
Furthermore, we can share our glee and sorrow through writing something on the wall in facebook. So our friends can help us to solve problems and know me better, Furthermore, facebook allows us to post photo and video to our profile. But someone may argue that it is dangerous as it may cause stranger to see our profile. This seemingly unassailable argument is actually fundamentally flowed. The above argument, though seem to be of certain validity at the first glance, are in fact totally unfounded. Since we can only accept the people we know and the strangers can be ignored so the process of posting photos or video can let our friend understand us more such as interest and daily life. Last but not the least, facebook contains many information, music and news. It can let us keep abreast of current issues, broaden our horizons and learn other foreign culture when we see some news or music. Also,facebook is a useful tool as it can help us to find some old friends who do not connect for a long time. So it can widen our friend networks.

In conclusion, facebook has most positive effect on my life because of its convenience, this helps us to enhance our social skills, broaden our horizons and maintain good relationship with friends.

回答 (2)

2010-05-14 2:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your essay is well-organised, with proper introduction, main body and conclusion. You demonstrate that you are able to use appropriate vocabulary, accurate grammar and usage. In addition, your points/ ideas not only flow but also well-elaborated. Good work!
My overall impression is that you will surely attain level 5 to 5*
2010-05-14 9:28 am


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2) 你能列出多少個形容詞及動詞係解「增強」或「加強」?

3) 有沒有試過整篇文用passive voice寫?如有,用了多少分鐘?

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