
2010-05-13 6:20 am
我一站起來.一會心口就隱隱痛,坐下就5隱隱痛 我有沒有問題?今日早上食完蕃茄薯仔湯and牛奶,回學校坐下,下去集队心口覺得隱隱痛

回答 (2)

2010-05-13 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chest pain can be caused by stress, pressure. You can try to take couple deep breathe and try to relax yourself, do some light stretch exercises, it sures do you good. If it is not the case, then it maybe the sign of heart problem which you need to consult your doctor for further detail.
You should take it more serious because chest pain will get worst and become heart disease. Take care.
參考: myself
2010-05-22 7:11 am
我有時都會, 可能係緊張, 壓力大, 或者胃酸倒流所致

如果你經常感到心口痛, 最好的解決方法更係睇醫生,
因為就算你平日生活健康, 又有做運動, 都未必100%擔保冇事

建議:同屋企人商量先, 做下動態心電圖
呢D錢唔慳得, 有事的話越早發覺越好


P.S. 化驗所一般$300 - 500就有得驗
你可以揾一間出名D ge叫"香港體檢"

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