✔ 最佳答案
1. There were many stretcher cases in the car accident.
2. This mine produces several thousand tons of coal every day.
3. A rush of water came from the pipe.
4. Finally, a team came to their rescue.
5. Several villages were badly flooded.
做填充時,先做容易的,例如第二條,如果你知道 [mine] 解礦場,就先用了它。
然後,看第一條,見到 [car accident] 個字,就大致可以排除了用 [flood] 字,因為不相關。所以要選 [rush cases], [rescue cases], 或是 [stretcher cases]。
如果不肯定,就去做第三條,一定不會是 [a rescue of water] 和 [a stretcher of water],所以要選 [a rush of water] or [a flood of water]。 如果不肯定,就去做第四條。
第四條, a team came to thier [ ],不會是 [their flood], [their rush], or [their stretcher], 所以如果你大约知道 [resue] 是救人,雖然不知道 rescue 可以做 verb 同 noun,而在這句跟住 [their],一定要是 noun。但因為己排除了其它字,所以可以選 [rescue]。
跟住做第五條。Several villages were badly [ ]。如果你熟文法,就知道要找個 verb, 而且是 過去分詞 (past participle),因為是 passive voice. Stretcher 是 noun, 不適合,只可選 [were badly rushed] or [were badly flooded]。如果你知道 flood 解水浸,就會選它。
番轉頭做第三條,只剩下 [rush],就選它。
再回去第一條,只下 [strecher cases],不用選了。