Help! F1 Maths唔識做啊T^T

2010-05-13 3:07 am


1.A lamp post is painted in black and white in the ratio of 3:2.If the length of the white portion is 4m,find the lengthof the lamp post.

2.Carmen spends 15%,30% and 35% of her pocket money on transpotation,lunch and savings respectively,and the rest is spent on entertainment.Find the ratio of the amounts spent on transportation,lunch and entertainment.

3.The length of a wire is 360 cm.
(a) If it is divided into 3portions in the raio of 1 : 3 : 8,find the length of the longest portion.

(b) If the wire with the longest portion is bent into a rectangle with its length and width in the ratio of 3:2,find the length and width of the rectangle.


回答 (2)

2010-05-13 3:20 am
1. black and white in the ratio of 3:2 → 3個黑色長度等於2個白色長度 → 1個白色 = 1.5黑色 (3/2) → 而白色是4cm > 所以4 x 1.5 = 6 黑色

2. 剩餘去用於娛樂為 20%, 所以比例為15 : 30 : 20 ,約簡,即3:6:4

3. 條線有12段,360 / 12 = 30 ,最短的一part 為30 cm ,最長的一段是最短的8倍,所以30 x 8 = 240 cm

4. 最長的一段是240 cm,長方形有2邊相等。

如果長的一段是3 cm,闊一段是2 cm;如果長的一段是1.5 cm,闊的一段是1 cm

所以長+闊 = 5段 ,由於2邊相等的關係,再x2 ,整個長方形有10段,

240 / 10 = 24,一段有24 cm,長有3段,即72cm,闊有2段,即48cm

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 20:40:39
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