
2010-05-12 4:53 pm

回答 (3)

2010-05-12 10:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In answering your questions:

1. Yes. But it depends.

BN(O) is a monster. People with such status are British nationals legally (as they can enjoy benefits like NHS and voting as other after living England for 6 months). However, you need a visa to stay for more than 6 months.

People (except in Hong Kong) can still enjoy consular protection from the British Government.

So are you saying that a BN(O) is really a British national? No one
knows, as even the British Government does not know how to answer you
this - both new and old one. You can send a letter to ask David Cameron. But I doubt he knows how to answer you.

2. No.

A nationality or citizenship is a status. A passport is a proof of such identity and a travel document. Throwing away your BN(O) Passport does not mean you are no longer a British national.
2010-05-21 1:36 am
2010-05-12 7:42 pm
BNO 只是 97年之前英國政府發給香港居民的旅行證件,是沒有國藉的,不享有有居英權,不是英國國民;持BNO 入境英國,都要排 FOREIGNER / OTHER PASSPORT 的隊,咁點算係英國國民呢?

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