working holiday

2010-05-12 12:20 pm
我好想申請working holiday visa.但我每個月都要俾幾千蚊屋企.但我十分想去澳洲見識一下,.因為依家唔去到年齡再大d就去唔到啦.想問各位去過既朋友,去到果邊如果搵工係咪好易嫁?一般幾多錢一日呀?我對做果園好有興趣.好想去體驗一下.做果d又會有幾錢一日呢?去到果邊係咪真係有錢儲到?咁你地又試過儲到幾多呀?thx~~

回答 (4)

2010-05-12 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2.視乎你 係揾乜嘢工,若然餐館,菓園工,都唔難。前者較易揾,但工作時間長,後者屬季節性,生果成熟收摘時會大量請人做工。
3. WHV是打散工,澳洲多是 hourly rate 計,大約A$10-15一小時。
參考: 過來人
2010-05-15 1:43 am
firstly, you have no financial burden in HK after you resigned the job. If you always remember the $$$, you would not relax and enjoy the trip.

I went to Perth with working holiday in two years ago and I was lucky to have a farm job and earn around AUD450-500 doller per week, so the monthly paid is around $13000. However you have to pay accommodation and daily expenses. So I think the earning is enough for your stay in australia and travel around. The travel cost in Australia is quite expensive, normally AUD99 for day trip.

If you want to earn money more than HK, I think it would be but you would not enjoy the trip and travel around.
2010-05-12 11:27 pm
我留左言比你呀,你e-mail我丫,我再留電話比你丫,[email protected],到時再詳盡話你聽
2010-05-12 9:12 pm


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