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If your refering to nuclear as nuclear weapons, it would be a even war, but the chinese would be likely to come out on top, and heres why.
China has a vast population, if they where to initiate a Imediate Draft, and start to produce tanks and weapons, the United States would be over run. China has a population exceeding 1billion, and if they where to have a imediate draft, i think they could easily have around 400-500million soldiers, almost 100-200 thousand more then the entire population of the United States. (US census 2000, 300 thousand people in US.)
The only reason we wouldn't be stomped into the ground (by we i mean American's/United States) is because we hold the most technologicly advanced weapons (tanks, soldiers,bombs, aircraft... etc.) So we would be able to hold our ground for the long run. But would be eventually over whelmed.
If nuclear weapons where initiated. No doubt, the united states. We are number 2 in the world with the most nuclear weapons. (Just behind Russia). Also, since the united states is larger -i believe- they would have more land to nuke then we would.