ap calculus and ap statistics differences?

2010-05-12 2:30 am
the thing is someone told me that if you would choose non-scince and non-math subject as your major in the college, then take statistics , but someone say the opposite things, as I know a person whose major is History but he had to take Calculus.

I know there will be no absolute answer to my question, but I need to know the trend! at least I won't go to the wrong way!

回答 (2)

2010-05-14 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Almost any major, whether hard science or social science can require statistics. Calculus is geared towards hard sciences (math, engineering, biology, chemistry, etc.). Social Sciences (Psychology, Sociology etc) often require statistical analyses. I'd recommend taking both, but take STAT if you are a non-science major.

I'm a junior in college and these are the trends I notice.
2016-11-29 12:01 pm
calculus and stats are very very distinctive. once you're doing AP Calc you would be working stressful adequate i does no longer advise yet another math path. Stats is an option to Calc for best college seniors who're going into social sciences relatively than actual sciences. confident, it will be stressful all by using itself. i could circulate on your college math branch and ask to skim over the textbooks. or google the two subjects and only flick via what you hit upon. taking the two classes is analogous to relationship 2 ladies at as quickly as. it extremely is achieved, yet why could you go with to artwork that stressful? till (like me and distinctive others) you're only in love with math and go with all you may get.

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