Christians.If god knows all that is to happen,whats the point of anything?

2010-05-11 11:46 pm
Is this just a big game being played by a vindictive,warped creator?Think about it.What is the point of it if he knows the outcome?And for the benefit of the free will brigade,surely a minor matter like free will is transparent to a being with infinite knowledge?Time to stop the delusions and face facts.

回答 (27)

2010-05-11 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You've hit on some basic logic that's usually ignored by believers:
That omniscience and "free will" are mutually contradictory.

Assuming for a moment "god" exists (a HUGE assumption):
If god is omniscient, then he knows every action you will ever do, and you MUST do what he knows in advance you will do. You CANNOT do anything other than what he already knows you will do, so you have no free will.
However, if you have free will, you have to be able to do something that god does not know ahead of time you will do -- you have to be able to "surprise" god. And if you can do something that god doesn't know you will do, then god is not omniscient.

The simplest solution to the conundrum? Don't assume a god exists. That resolves the paradox nicely, and given the total absence of evidence showing any god exists, is also the most rational conclusion.

2010-05-13 6:52 am
Before you came into this world, you decided how your life should play out in order to learn the necessary lessons to go through and the experiences you wanted in your life
It's your free will to decide this
You influence your life path by the parents you'll chose, the country you'll be born into, the social status you'll have, the people you'll meet in your life, etc.
You just don't know this on a conscious level while in this life
But it can still go wrong though as again you have free will to decide things but this time on a conscious level
Scenarios may be played out in advance to try and make sure it should all go to plan and whilst you're here your life will be steered by those on the other side looking to try to keep you to your original plan but that's the best that can be done
Have you any idea how difficult it would be just for someone on the other side to actually influence two people in this world simply to come together to create your life here?
Even though they themselves arranged to hook up for this very purpose as part of their lives, they don't know this on a conscious level either once they get here
But God doesn't influence this. You do with the help of others
2010-05-13 12:51 am
You need to read and study the 'Tree of Life'... there explains everything.

There's a lot of information on the Internet about the 'Tree of Life'... you will have a change of mind, when you read it. It will open your eyes and mind to more wonderful and brighter things.

Knowledge = understanding = wisdom.
參考: Christian Spiritualist / Spiritual Mediator / Angelologist / Woman of Wisdom
2010-05-12 7:41 am
God DOESN'T know all that is to happen. He has the power to know that, just as you have the power to see everything around you. But to do that, you'd have to turn around and crane your head up and down. You can't see everything around you without changing your point of view. Likewise, God can see any spot of three-dimensional space at any point in the stream of time, but if he doesn't look there, he isn't seeing it.
2010-05-12 6:57 am
B/c, like any parent knows, scaring your children into behaving by telling them they'll be tortured forever is always fun (eye roll)
They can't handle the truth!
(Even if it is a demented one)
Edit: Ford whatever, you are so inspiring (sarcasm)
Satya, 'unconditional love' like we received when God drowned the whole world? Women, infants, animals and everything else in between?
Edit:Zebronk, so he knows there won't be enough evidence of something so unnatural for everyone to 'just believe' so he creates a place of eternal torment for some of us? Gee, how thoughtful and kind of him.
Edit: LyssQ, does any other religion make those claims? I suppose Islam and Judaism do...any others?
Edit: Alex, I don't think you understand what the term 'atheist' means...also, life is not thrilling for everyone, mentioning the population of idiots in the world means nothing and that bit about something not coming from nothing? As an atheist, you's automatically wonder where this deity came from then.
Edit: Chris, Adam & Eve were robots until they ate from the tree and then they were punished so it seems that god does want robots.
Edit: Insanity, I would prevent you from suffering eternally...I'd probably not create such a place in the first place.
2010-05-12 7:16 am
We should ask a question before God in the heaven.

1) Do You know the outcome for a things happen?
Ans: A things happen due to the men's action and decision.

2) Do You react or interfere due to men decison?
Ans: It depends what kinds of things that stimulate God's character and take interferes.

3) Do You play a big game on us as you are a vindictive?
Ans: If it does. You should not beileve Him. And you do not have hope definitely. For what you do, you will get fail or punished. For if God really like the one as you said. What is your meaning of life?
Please think positive and you will get close to Him and know Him well.
2010-05-12 7:05 am
It doesn't sound like you really wanted an answer, but I will state where I come from anyway. No I wouldn't say it is pointless, because yes he knows everything, but we don't. We don't know what exciting, or even trying times to build character, God may have for us. So,Hypothetically If you believe in God, and accept that there is a God, think about when you get up in front of him, do you want to have to tell the God of the universe why you never took advantage of the gifts, amazing people, and character building events that he tried to give you. Hypothetically speaking, you would want to tell God that you displayed his love every chance you had, and that you lived life to the fullest, and that now because you have exhausted your purpose here on earth you are ready to fulfill a better life with him.

I know accepting this would mean that you would have to accept a heaven and the fact that people can love, and the fact that there is a god, but I am not asking thatt you do any of this right now. Just providing a Christians answer to your question. to sum it up:
God knows what we are going to do, we don't so enjoy life and help as many people as you can and enjoy life, sure God already knows if you will do this or not but when the time comes to face him no one can say they didn't have the chance, and since he knows everything it gives everything a point, because you don't know, where it will take you.
P.S. also God has a plan for everyone, but free will means everyone willnot follow it, but he already knows who will not follow him, he just doesn't want you to have to say he didn't give you a chance or no one ever told you.
參考: Christian of many years. I am a Christian by facts and faith.
2010-05-12 6:56 am
It is true tht God knows the outcome, because He has in fact ordained all that will be, to come to pass. The adventure is watching and experiencing God's unfolding. We do not know the future, so our experience is one of "time and chance". God did not give us "free-will" in the sense that we can of our own selves choose to love Jesus or to reject Him. All of us, on our own, reject Christ and hate God. Those who reject Christ, do so "freely". No one is forcing them. Those who, through the Spirit, recieve Christ do so "freely" as well. We are not ROBOTS as so many falsely accuse, according to the true Biblical doctrines of predestination and election. God's will be done!
2010-05-12 6:54 am
Well 1st of all we don't and the thrill of life is living it.
Further is the fact that although i am atheist i know over a 1/3 of the worlds population is christian, God is all knowing of the past and the present but not of the future and he might know the outcome but he doesn't know how we will get there.
Also you should not call God 'he' as someone of infinite power and knowledge can be of no gender.
And you sed time to stop the delusions and face the facts, well we are told that the laws of physics are facts, for example that no energy can be created or destroyed this is obviously wrong because something can't just appear so if you think about it everything we know is wrong apart from who and what we love.
2010-05-12 6:59 am
You and Well traveled make the mistake of thinking that just because God knows something, that automatically means we don't have free will.

The fact that God knows what WILL happen is not the same as Him CAUSING it to happen (which would mean no free will). He simply knows what your choice will be. That's not the same as making you do any particular thing.

It's not complicated.

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