Opinion on this please? Christans.?

2010-05-11 11:21 pm
I am a none denominational christan, Im not into organised religion due to the hypocrisy. But I have a thing against idols. My boyfriend is an atheist, he has a thing against religion in general.

He would like a laughing buddha for our place because he thinks they are cool. He doesn't worship buddha and neither do I, in fact I don't use idols at all.

So would this on the part of another christan be viewed as a decorative item only (as that would be how it would be viewed by us if we got it) or as idolatry?

So would this be viewed as a decorative object or a worship related object?

Ed dont judge what you dont know. If I said no then he would get it end of. And as my last relationship with a christan turned out to have him abusing me and then cheating I think Im much better off with my athiest boyfriend. Thank you the unevenly yoked person.


Bah, that so should ahve said WouldNT get it then.. typos gallore


have not ahve.. Im not doing well tonight on the spelling thing :(


Ok peoples. i didnt ask you to judge HOW I live. Thats none of your business. The question was about a laughing buddha statue. My bf wouldnt get it if I dont want it. Amazingly enough athiests are not sub human or even alien lifeforms and he has treated me much better than the christan I was with. So if you can get over how I live my life thank you and answer based on the buddha statue question that would be much appreciated Thank you and good day.


For the record I have had some great answers from the people who didnt decide to try butt in on my life.

回答 (25)

2010-05-12 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have a lot of interesting and thought-provoking answers. I am wondering why you are not in a religion and yet you seem to know a lot about Our Creator. Even questioning something like this that most people wouldn't give a second thought.

I will give you my two answers. One as a JW, the other as if I had no knowledge of the scriptures:

1. From my study of the scriptures I can clearly see that this is a religious object. Even if I knew that I would not worship it, believe in it and I just viewed it as a statue, I still would not want to do anything to invite Satan and the demons into my house. For me to get to this point I had to take a lot of scriptures into account. This process is not done over-night and on Y!A. I wouldn't expect someone who did not have this knowledge to understand where I am coming from.

2 Cor 11:14 talks about how Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. You can take that literally and metaphorically. In other words, he will do all he can to get people of track of what really is the truth and what is the "true way of worship". 1 Kings 18:21; Then Elijah approaches all the people and said: "How long will you be limping upon two different opinions? If Jehovah is the true God, go following him; but if Baal is, go following him." And the people did not say a word in answer to him.

This is only a couple scriptures. As I said a 'thorough' examination would help you tremendously.

2. I would probably answer like everyone else who have not taken all things into consideration. Or, it isn't a big deal.

Thanks for letting me answer from the scriptures.
2010-05-11 11:29 pm
In my opinion, this would simply be a decorative object. It's like people that collect Native American or tribal artifacts. Most of these objects had some religious or ritual purpose, but are now simply decorative objects. So I say put whatever you want in your house. You only need to worry whne you start praying to it.
2010-05-11 11:54 pm
Besides that they do go with the Buddhists religion, and Buddha being a false god, a laughing Buddha looks kinda creepy.
2010-05-12 12:50 am
It is an idol, not an ornament. It is still used as an object of worship. You are right to feel uncomfortable with this - it shows your conscience is working

I am so sorry that the hypocrisy of religions has affected you thus. Christ indicated that there would be one path that leads to life but that there was a wide road which most people are on to destruction

please be open to the fact that there is one faith that is non hypocritical. I am sure that if you pray to God he will ensure you have contact with them
2010-05-11 11:51 pm
I think I would look at what it represents. What is it that you are worried about? Offending someone? Maybe Jehovah God?
If that is the case then it would offend God as it represents false religion and the Bible tells us to mimic God and hate what is bad and love what is good.
Hope that helps Rowan, you know my stand on things anyway so I'll leave it at that.
2010-05-12 3:26 am
Some of these answers are just plain wrong. Christians, please be speaking from the Bible when answer questions of this nature.

The short answer to your question is YES, it is okay to have it up.

The long answer is that it is okay to have it, but be careful who sees. If a non-Christian comes to your home and sees it, knowing you're a Christian, it would cause major problems in their own faith journey. Their view of Christianity would be different.

If it causes a brother/sister to fall, don't do it. Because your faith will not be harmed by having it, knowing Jesus is your savior and not the statue, you're fine having it. Check out the sources for more information (2 biblical sources talking about unclean and/or sacrificed meat, a similar situation). Meat that has been sacrificed for a pagan cause is still meat, and if you eat it you will still be nourished. You know that the power of the pagan sacrifice does not compare to the power of Jesus' sacrifice.

Also, make sure your boyfriend is aware that you are not willing to worship it. As a non-Christian, he will look at it differently than you. Make sure he understands what you believe in and that he's not using it against you.

If you are not willing to go through the above process, it would be best to just not get it.
參考: 1 Corinthians 8-13 Acts 10:10-16
2010-05-11 11:52 pm
First, dont judge the organised religion is hypocrisy. For God knows people's heart and intention, not their style of holding a meeting.

If you dont feel bad on the thing you doing, just go on. But If you stumble others on the things you do, try to stop it for the sake of others people. For some loyal christian, they hate idolatry and want you give it up. They are loyal to their beileve and hope you be more religious like them. You must appreciate their good intention. But you need to think carefully what you act. If you really dont feel bad, just for decoration, you need to explain to them and hope them know you well.
2010-05-12 6:07 am
Funny sort of Christian that does not follow Christ.

You are worried about an idol but not about blatant transgressions?

Sad case of straining out a gnat while swallowing a camel.

And by the way, to save you the inevitable trouble, it is only sinners who desire to remain in their sins who say, "Judge not," and loudly accuse of judgementalism.

For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul?
Will God hear his cry when trouble cometh upon him?
Will he delight himself in the Almighty? will he always call upon God?
2010-05-12 2:13 am
I'd like a statue of the Terminator head and some of the figures from LOTR (those guys on the horses). Having them doesn't mean I'm worshiping them or anything. If you'd rather not have a buddha in the house/flat, for whatever reason, go with that. I wouldn't like a vishnu or krishna statue in my place 'cos I find them freaky..
2010-05-12 12:18 am
I am a Christian. Since childhood and into many of my adult years, I suffered from horrific, vivid nightmares almost every night. I prayed and prayed for them to leave me.

One day, on a Native reserve, I went into a store and I got the idea to buy a dream catcher. Immediately, I thought - no, I can't do that, it's goes against what I believe in. I left the store, then immediately turned back and bought the dream catcher. I felt compelled to buy it. Still hesitant, I took it home and thought, well I won't hang it up, but the next minute, I hung it in the bedroom. From that night on, I experienced oh, two or three fairly bad dreams but nothing like before. Initially, I questioned God and he impressed upon me that HE alone can make something "clean", even when I've been taught differently (similar to Peter's vision of a feast on the rooftop). I kept that dream catcher hanging for many years, often thinking to take it down, but just not doing it - no big deal. Then one day, while sorting and organizing things at home, I just took it down and put it away. God knows what's in our heart and if we follow his will, He tells us what is right for our lives. I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare did the dream catcher work? No, God did!

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