Religion or sexual mind?

2010-05-11 10:35 pm
(No judgements) I enjoy masturbating, but I just found out that it completely goes against my religion. I want to do it, but I want to obey my God also. Any suggestions?????

回答 (19)

2010-05-12 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sex is REAL ....

'God' is a FICTIONAL Man-made concept!

Now go enjoy Yourself!! :)

參考: Proud Atheist.
2010-05-12 5:39 am
My suggestion - gain an understanding of why "God" is against masturbation. When you realize that it is all in an effort to produce more offspring so as to provide more followers for your church, you will come to realize that it is really just another way of keeping you down.

Funny that this God gave us a sex drive, but only expects us to actually use it once we are married...

If God is about love, then he certainly shouldnt have a problem with self-love!
2010-05-12 5:37 am
Your question should be: Religion or human nature?
2010-05-12 6:07 am
If you can kill 20 children,repent and then go to heaven,then i doubt your god will bother much about a quick knuckle shuffle.
2010-05-12 5:47 am
Masturbation is not wrong. It is healthy and beneficial. Jesus masturbated too. Nothing that occurs in nature is wrong. Masturbation is found all throughout nature. It was only natural that your hand one day found your erect penis. Enjoy!
2010-05-13 12:48 am
Discipline yourself more. Ask Jesus in prayer, to guide you to become the person in which he wish's you to be.
參考: Christian Spiritualist / Spiritual Mediator / Angelologist / Woman of Wisdom
2010-05-12 7:13 am
Change Gods
2010-05-12 6:06 am
It is not a sin.

When you go to bed tonight, read "Song of Solomon" and enjoy yourself.

Here are some other biblical stories you may enjoy:
Lot's daughters: Genesis 19:30-38
Judah and Tamar: Genesis 38
David and Bathsheba: 2 Samuel 11
The Rape of Tamar: 2 Samuel 13
2010-05-12 6:25 am
For the sake of GOD to stop or give up something, you will be blessed in your way. And you will face struggle in obeying the Holy Spirit in your heart or set your mind on flesh. If you always masturbating, you will have great struggle at first. If you continuning (always) set your mind or flesh, you will fail definitely. If you try to stop for a while and continue touching your organs. You will got temped. If you want to prolong for a longer time, try to set up a time limit for yourself. For example, 3 days, then 5 days.......It is a training for you to stop masturbating for the sake of GOD. You can practice patient during the training.
2010-05-12 5:41 am
It says in the Timothy to "Run from anything that causes youthful lust".
The Commandment that says not to commit adultry means more than just sex while married, it include's lust.
Jesus said, "If you have looked upon someone in lust, you have commited adultry"
therefore if you masturbate, more than likely you have lusted after someone in your mind, while doing it.
therefore you are an adulter for masturbating.

Hope this helps some.
參考: Summarized the Bible

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