Anyone have an idea what this tale is called or where it originates?

2010-05-11 8:42 pm
A female demon wants to forgo her status as a demon and become a god. She decides to do good deeds for humanity. But each time her plans fail, as her companion, another female demon, is rather inattentive. So she tries to give water to a town in a terrible drought, but her companion ends up flooding it. I think the gods became unhappy with both of them or something, but the demon's attempts to become a god were certainly foiled. She went to earth, and fell in love with a mortal. I think something happens and he goes to hell and she saves him. I can't remember the end exactly, but it is tragic. Either both of them die or she has to give up her life to save his.

Any help will be much appreciated.

回答 (1)

2010-05-11 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i haven't heard of it, i i have enjoyed mythology for decades.
since i know a lot about Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Norse myths, look into the other systems.

Such as Slavic, Hindu, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.
My gut says it sounds more Japanese than anything else, but i really do not have a clue.

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