請幫忙翻譯英文, 謝謝

2010-05-12 1:11 am
如你不介意, 我想說明白以下數點

1.想在明確你的工作範圍 : 除了主要湊BB, 還有一般家務 如打掃/洗衣/燙衣/煮飯等, 如需要亦要外出買東西.

2.我的家庭成員 :我丈夫/我媽媽/BB及我 , 我哥哥亦住在這裡, 他是這裡的家庭成員 , 不過現於海外工作., 而我丈夫有需要看BB時, 亦會留在這裡 , 此外 我弟弟及弟婦偶然會來吃飯. , 但你不用太擔心, 一般多數祇是我媽媽與BB 及我在家的. ,不過有時我媽媽會有朋友來打麻雀

3.轉約手續上, 我希望可以用代理去辦 ,

4.為了與我媽媽溝通 , 將來希望你可儘量用廣東話, 但不用怕 , 你可怕怕來


6.我亦想聯絡你現時的僱主 , 以便確定你到來的時間和情況

7.另有沒有東西是不吃 或 一定不幹的

8.如法律上有問題 , 你就不用提早來 , 按回約滿的來就可以


10.以我所知, 如你約滿立即到我家工作 , 祇要延長逗留時間, 應要約一年內回鄉, 你需這樣安排嗎.

12.我會給一點時間你考慮., 一星期好嗎?當然如你應承了 , 就要來 , 否則我沒時間再聘另一位了.

回答 (2)

2010-05-12 3:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you do not mind, I would like to understand the following points

1. Want to clear your work area: In addition to the main Minato BB, there is general household such as cleaning / laundry / ironing / cooking, etc. If you need also to go out shopping.

2. My family: my husband / my mother / BB and I, my brother also live here, he is here, family members, but are now overseas., And I need to see her husband when BB will stay Here, in addition to my brother and Difu occasionally for dinner., but you do not get too concerned, but generally most of my mother and me at home with the BB., but sometimes my mother would be playing mahjong with friends

3. Turn around procedure, I hope to use the proxy given charge

4. In order to communicate with my mother, in the future I hope you can make maximum use of Cantonese, but do not be afraid, you nervous to

5. And I should also use your contact information

6. I also want to contact your current employer in order to determine the time and circumstances of your arrival

7. Another thing is do not eat or do not necessarily quit the

8. If a legal problem, you Jiubuyongti early years, according to back about to expire can be

9. You can handle the application process you

10. As I know, as you about the work over to my house immediately, as long as the extension of stay should offer to return home within a year, you need to do this arrangement.

12. I will give you some time to consider., A week right? Of course, if you make a pledge, it is necessary, otherwise I do not have time to engage another of the.

參考: me和字典
2010-05-12 1:44 am
If you do not mind, I would like to understand the following points

1. Want to clear your work area: In addition to the main Minato BB, there is general household such as cleaning / laundry / ironing / cooking, etc. If you need also to go out shopping.

2. My family: my husband / my mother / BB and I, my brother also live here, he is here, family members, but are now overseas., And I need to see her husband when BB will stay Here, in addition to my brother and Difu occasionally for dinner., but you do not get too concerned, but generally most of my mother and me at home with the BB., but sometimes my mother would be playing mahjong with friends

3. Turn around procedure, I hope to use the proxy given charge

4. In order to communicate with my mother, in the future I hope you can make maximum use of Cantonese, but do not be afraid, you nervous to

5. And I should also use your contact information

6. I also want to contact your current employer in order to determine the time and circumstances of your arrival

7. Another thing is do not eat or do not necessarily quit the

8. If a legal problem, you Jiubuyongti early years, according to back about to expire can be

9. You can handle the application process you

10. As I know, as you about the work over to my house immediately, as long as the extension of stay should offer to return home within a year, you need to do this arrangement.

12. I will give you some time to consider., A week right? Of course, if you make a pledge, it is necessary, otherwise I do not have time to engage another of the.
參考: --

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