Wallstreet定English town for考空姐

2010-05-12 1:00 am
 同少dGramma mistake

回答 (5)

2010-05-20 8:49 am
wallstreet D野好比較深...學左未必用得翻
english town學既英文就會比較實用D...學完你會有機會用咁既
2010-05-12 10:26 pm
Wallstrxxt同English txxn都係靠賣廣告出名,你要真係check下個D讀完之後既學生既感受,睇下佢地係咪真係學到野,有無浪費金錢。我有讀緊一個英文課程,個課程唔買廣告係因為佢地係將D錢投入到比學生學野既資源上面,同埋系百分之一百真人教學,我唔係幫人買廣告,而係唔想一D真正想學好英文既人浪費左D錢去D學唔到野既地方,咁樣一來學生辛苦,又學唔到野,又浪費左前同時間,唔好因為個課程既廣告出名而走左去讀,試問問,好野要靠買廣告而唔係靠口碑黎出名既咩?我建議你去search一D系wallstrxxt同english txxn讀完之後既學生既感受黎作為參考,因為我之前都有諗住報,但係我聽過好多個度學生既感受,十個都有七至八個話唔好跟住又貴,所以好彩我無報到,如果唔係真係會後悔死我!如果你真係想讀好英文,我可以幫你問下我MISS,個度有一項活動我覺得會好適合你,就係電話英語,每日都同外籍老師講十五分鍾英文,就係咁我既口語進步左超多,之前我oral仲全級第一添呀!之前有個師姐都係同你一樣想左空姐,讀完之後,考左個Ielts試合格之後就成功做到空姐(一定合格,所以我都好有信心)!不如你add我msn或者send個emal比我,我地一齊傾下呀~ [email protected]
2010-05-12 10:23 am
[email protected]
2010-05-12 10:00 am
If you are working, I suggest you to go British Council to sttend the Businees course.
I can tell you Englishtown is not good actually. When trying to attend their lesson, they did not allow me to try their lesson, just forced me to sign the contract,I asked them several times on that day that if I could give them money month by month or not,they said I should sign the contact and even I was not interested in this course , I also needed to give money to them. I phoned to the government and CEF, they said that they couldn't do anything as it was their policy. I did not believed them , but they phone to me many times, it's so annoying, so I paid the money finally.I joined it last year. It's about $18800.
After joining Englishtown, I thought their lessons were not systematic and I couldn't learn anything. If you pass F.5 Syllubus B/ IELTS=5, you may not learn what you need in this course. They only provide oral lesson in small class with all student at same leve in the center and online lesson, but actually the students usually were not at the same level in speaking. Also, in workshops, usually there are a lot of student from lower level, they usually ask a lot of simple question and speak Cantonese.It is difficult to learn anything. Furthermore, you will face a lot of technical problems but they usually said that there're no problems.Also, if you want to 考空姐. It needs a good presentation skill in English, Cantonese and Putonghua. I suggest you to have a individual tutorial class. As I believe that one-to-one class will be suitable for your level, also you can ask whatever you want, the topic is not fixed like Englishtown/ WSI, so you can learn a lot of thing in a short period of time.
If you wanna see the Englishtown lesson structure, I can give you my account to try it. As I think it's not that useful, after receiving CEF, I haven't attended any lesson.
Should you have any problem, pls feel free to find me by yahoo hk email.
參考: I have been studying in Englishtown for 1 year, British Council business eng course for one year.
2010-05-12 9:18 am
一定係wall street 好好多啦...老字號d, 分校又多d,活動又多元化d, 師資都有保證d, 仲要價錢平d...唔清考慮!
參考: www.wsi.edu.hk

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