MS word 2003

2010-05-11 8:40 pm
my pc is windows xp with word 2003, got problem unable to open old word files, anyone can help on this.

thank you very much

回答 (2)

2010-05-11 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
what kind of error message your pc pop-up?? for office 2003 it should be able to open any old "word" document even can open the office 2007 format just get the plug-in. If you can type up the error message while you try to open the document you can't might able to find you a solution.


2010-05-11 16:25:49 補充:
Weird... what is the file extension for your old file. (same .doc)?

try to goto control panel > add/remove program > "Ms office software" > select repair

or you can try open the Word program first and open the file and see what happen
2010-05-11 9:26 pm
Check the file extension via (in any window such as C:) Tools \ Folder options \ View \ uncheck the box at Hide extensions for known file types. Now look at your word filename and see if there is an .doc extension after the filename. If not, rename it as such then go back to the path above and check the box again to hide. The .doc file now should open as usual.

If the extension is correct, see below.


1. Scan the file with your anti virus program to rule out infeciton. Try to open it in another PC with XP and Office 2003 installed. If OK, the file is intact. If not, it's corrupted. Hope you have back up copies.

2. If they open in another PC, go to control panel \ Add and remove option to completely remove the Office 2003 in your PC. Shut down and cold boot in 5 minutes.

3. Reinstall Office 2003 and try to open those files again.


Background logic:

a. Always check file extension in such case.
b. Rule out virus and file corruption in step one.
c. Reinstallation rules out Office 03 program files corruption.

Finally, give us an answer to whatever happens. Good luck.
參考: My PC Know How

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