
2010-05-11 5:38 am
想電話預約西洋人士, 用禮貌英文問以下幾句

回答 (5)

2010-05-13 7:49 am
I think it will not has preposition before the word "next"
2010-05-11 10:13 am
Could/May we come to your home for a visit?

Would you be home around next thursday?
2010-05-11 9:29 am
We would like to pay you a visit at your house.
Would you be at home next Thursday?
2010-05-11 6:18 am
"We fancy calling on you"./ "We fancy calling in at your house."
"I was wondering if you will be home next Thursday."
2010-05-11 6:02 am
We would like to visit your house.
We would like to know that if you are at home next Thursday.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:14:15
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