
2010-05-11 2:33 am

thx a lot

回答 (2)

2010-05-16 6:29 am
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My Favourite Website

Good morning/afternoon. Today, I want to share my favourite website with you. My favourite website is Facebook, I play it when I have spare time.
On Facebook, I can play many games with my friends, see the photos of my buddies and tell many other people in other parts of the world my opinion on some of our common hobbies.
Facebook is my favourite website because I enjoy talking to my friends afterschool and knowing their recent activity.
That's the end of my sharing, thank you.

If I Had 3 Wishes

Good morning/afternoon. Recently, I read a book about a fairy which will grant people 3 wishes if they free her. So, I thought about which 3 wishes I would wish for if I had this 3 wishes.
First of all, I think I would wish to be healthy. Because if we are not healthy, we will not be able to do what we want. Only being healthy can let us do what we want and enjoy life.
Secondly, I would wish for money. It's not because I am greedy, it's because I can help others and donate to the poor if I had lots of money. This can make other people happy, as well as myself.
Lastly, I would wish that people from all around the world can live happily and peacefully. That way, we won't have arguement between countries.
That's the end of my sharing, thank you.
2010-05-12 4:52 am

~ The air quality of Hong Kong, for the nounce, are treating a serious threat. Being devastated on the aspect of air, Hong kong government has formulated and implemented several attempts to alleviate the air pollution, Remarkable example is the execution of 'Blue sky and White Cloud' policy. Seeing that the air doesn't have any improvement, the policy seems to come to failure.

~The fount of air pollutant is Guangdong. Government should coorperate with the related officials in order to adopt a constraint in emitting those pollutant. In hk, government should form a series of law. I deem that it should increase the punishment on the pollutant producer in the attempt to threaten those selfish guy. Also, they can limit the fuels used in electricity generation. In my own knowledge, government should advocate the uses of nuclear power because it produce less pollution.

~How about us? can we give a hand on improving the air? Undoubtedly, WE CAN! Using public transport is a good method because it can reduce the emmision of sulphur dioxide. This substance is toxic and it is a major cause of acid rain. Being reduced of sulphur dioxide, can benefit the problems of global warming and the air quality.

~Air pollution, indeed was a professional problem and canot easily solved by us. Actually, what i said was only touching the surface of the problem. I hope govenment will carry out a whole-faced inform to improve the air quality. Otherwise, our lungs will be blackened and thus our offsprings will also be affected.

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