Should be, should + V , MUST+V

2010-05-10 8:56 pm

因為, 有時我見到SHOULD BE 後面仍然跟一個 verb........ 例如: should be less

但唔係用得should be .. 係因為果一句句子沒有 verb 先用be 的嗎??

我幾時要加be 幾時唔駛加be ???

should be ?
should + verb?
must be?
must + v ?


佢地後面分別係跟咩字/?? 例如noun , adj.......

回答 (3)

2010-05-10 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1) should 同 must + verb (root form) = modal verb
eg. You should go to bed early.
You must not smoke in a non-smoking area.

(2) 如果冇verb,就用 be (auxiliary verb),通常再加 adjective。
eg. You should be proud of yourself. (proud is an adjective).
eg. You must be kidding. (kidding is a gerund serving as an adjective)

你例子中 should be less 嘅 [less] 唔係 verb, 係 adjective。所以都符合以上規則。

(3) should/must + be + verb (past participle form) = modal verb in the passive voice.
eg. This secret must be kept.
eg. This secret should be kept.

2010-05-11 10:02:28 補充:
less (ls)
adj. A comparative of little.
1. Not as great in amount or quantity: had less time to spend with the family.
2. Lower in importance, esteem, or rank: .......
3. .....
adv. A comparative of little.
To a smaller extent, degree, or frequency: less happy; less expensive.
2010-05-11 1:04 am
less = 副詞

動詞係指時態, he should be eating now=佢e+應該食緊嘢
she should be fat to eat so much=佢食咁多嘢,應該肥嘅
you should be a girl=你應該係個女仔

you must be a liar 你實係大話精.
2010-05-10 9:28 pm
如果要跟 adj 就一定要有be
e.g. It should be fine. or It must be fun.

如果後面跟個v就唔駛要 be
e.g. It should work. or You must do your homework.

其實 should/must + 個be
be的意思就是一個verb~ 一句句子要有verb~ 而呢個be就係咁用到喇

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