急 - 中譯英

2010-05-10 8:02 pm
#30P00002 12mm plastic support 和 24L moncler snap 係唔係確實可以係5月22號送貨, 請回覆

回答 (4)

2010-05-10 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Date; xxxxx


ATTN: xxxxx

Dear xxxxx,

Please kindly confirm if delivery of #30P00002 12mm plastic support 和 24L moncler snap will be made on 22 May.

Your prompt reply is highly appreciated

Best regards,

2010-05-10 11:07 pm

#30P00002 12mm plastic support 和 24L moncler snap 係唔係確實可以係5月22號送貨, 請回覆
# 30P00002 12mm plastic support and 24L moncler snap after confirmation of the possibility of delivery in May 22, please reply
參考: --
2010-05-10 9:46 pm
信 002,比分佢啦。
001 會誤導對方。唔係幫得幾多就幾多,而係越幫越忙!

2010-05-10 13:49:18 補充:
不過 002 寫錯日子,應係 May 22,唔係 22 Mar。

2010-05-10 13:55:51 補充:
都係 003 答得最好。不過,個中文 [和] 字要改為 [and] 。
002 或者 003 都可以用。
2010-05-10 8:12 pm
Pls confirm if #30P00002 12mm plastic support and 24L moncler snap can be really delivered on 22 Mar. Waiting for your reply. THanks.

比分我啦. thanks!
參考: 我

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