would god forgive me for this.. Please read and help me?

2010-05-09 10:22 am
ok so ive been with my boyfriend/ fiance for 3 years now. I lost my virginity to him last year, i do not regret it though beause i can see that were going to be together for ever literally i can just feel it, i love him with all my heart he is my world and my everything really. Will god be able to forgive me for having sex without being married even though we are going to get married?
me and my fiance had break for about 2 months because of something very silly. During this break I had had sex with two guys 1 who was my first love ive known him for 4 years and another guy who i thought was a friend ive known him for about 4 years too.. I normally would never sleep with somebody else because because for me its wrong i only want to sleep with my boyfriend because i love him.My boyfriend told me he done the same thing he slept with two girls... will god forgive me for sleeping with these other guys, it is something that i hugly regret and ive never regretted nothing before because i have never done anything wrong..( i do feel the devil took control of me to commit this). I am completly disgraced with my behaviour i cry every night about this situation and i feel worthless and dirty, but im not dirty because i wull never ever do this again. because im going to be with my fiancee now.
me and my boyfriend are back together, everything is very good and even though we both done things that we have never done or would never consider doing. it has brought us so much closer, i cant imagen a day without talking to him, hes my love, literally my world.

will God forgive me for not being a virgin, and having sex with two other guys also will god forgive me for drinking a few times and trying drugs 3 times.

I dont know what it is but im not a religious person but after how ive behaved i feel so close to GOD and as if i have always been a religious person. i love GOD very much.

Also the thing is i dont want to ask to gods forgivness because i think me and my fiance will continue to have sex but we are getting married for sure i can feel it, if we do carry on to have sex will this be bad..

also my fiance is muslim is this a problem?

thank you very much

回答 (16)

2010-05-09 10:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
God has already forgiven you all your sin, if you forsake it and put your trust in Jesus Christ.....

"that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

II Corinthians 5:19-21

Whether your boyfriend, being a Muslim will forgive you; that's another story.

2010-05-09 10:41 am
God will forgive you if:
1. you repent from the heart and have a understanding of why you are repenting.
2. you forgive yourself. Once you repent, your sin never was, never happened so to bring it back up or dwell on it is hurting yourself and in a sense not trusting God's word.
2010-05-09 11:00 am

i don't think you need to torture yourself over this - you really haven't done anything that bad. in fact most people sleep with serveral others without being married these days.
in my opinion, God doesn't mind if we are married or not - marriage is a human invention.
As long as you try to be a good person, and learn from your mistakes, then that is all you can do - no-one is perfect.
2010-05-09 10:28 am
you have to forgive yourself my sister. Let god worry about your soul, you should worry about living a happy life. And to me, it seems like your heart is in the right place, a little misguided but in the right place. God does not care if you sleep with 1 man or 100 men, because god is all forgiving, god does not care if you took drugs, god made them exist, he wants you to, but in a way that brings happiness and joy, laughter and fond memories. God could care less who you are with, as long as your intentions with them are clear in your mind, whether it be to become married and have children, or simply to have some safe fun for a night. God understands. You have to stop assuming god would not be able to understand your choices and so would punish you. He loves you.
2010-05-09 10:26 am
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."

Although you're not technically married, the Bible is VERY clear on adultery. Of course, God will conveniently forgive you for any sin, as long as you ask for it.
2016-06-02 11:51 am
I realized you can hate a book, not read it, except for the first chapter, and at the same time still pull out a quote you like from it : "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb. What a stupid lamb. What a sick masochistic lion." I also learned half of the Twilight fans don't even know what the word masochistic means when one who hasn't even read the book, me, does. Lol, it's funny. I don't actually "hate" Twilight, but I wouldn't read it. I tried and couldn't, oh well. I like what you've put down here though, they made me laugh. I did see the movie though so at least I know most of the story :)
2010-05-09 11:35 am
uhh... you need to get out of that relationship like now.... for one he is muslim and i know muslims and a little about thier laws of marrying Christians.... and he would be ex-ponged from his faimly for sleeping with a Christian. 2. You should really stop sleeping with him reguardless of wether or not you are marrying him, look, if you are truely sorry you will stop sleeping with Him, Honor the Lord by being a christian, and not giving into temptation...... and most important of all go to church and do what christians do, bear fruit, telling of jesus christ.
2010-05-09 11:00 am
Firstly, God forgives all. That is why Jesus died for our sins. You need to turn from sin and repent for forgiveness. It doesn't matter if you know you're going to stay together as that is just another reason to wait until marriage. The Bible states that love is patient, and lust is selfish. He will forgive any sin, but you must turn from it and try not to sin again. You can't just say sorry and then sin again, because that isn't really being sorry. The devil can only tempt you to sin, God gave us free will, so it is you who gave in to sin. Turn from sexual sin and drugs (drugs are the occult, which is a sin) and you will be forgiven. No sin is unforgivable. Belief in Christ's death and Resurrection means that you are saved.

Secondly, about your fiance being Muslim. God does encourage Christians to be with other Christians, because the only way to heaven is through Christ. It is not religion that we need, it is a relationship with our Father in heaven. Try reading the Bible, and encourage your partner. Pray for him and I'm sure God will have an influence on his life.
2010-05-09 10:55 am
1) If you know something right or wrong, and you commit it, you sin before GOD.

2) When you know you are sin, you repent, God will forgive you.

3) When you feel you are dirty and cry, you can ensure that feeling is given by Holy Spirit, that make you the way to repent.

4) When you feel you are not dirty now, that feeling means you have repented and take the cleanness from the blood of JESUS Christ. The feeling of peace is upon you.

5) If you sure you will not do again firmly, you get the protection from GOD. But you need to keep this promise before God, otherwise you will be disgraced.

6) If you do something wrong, you are disgraced. The grace is that you cannot have pure and holy feeling in your marriage.

7) Don’t do again otherwise you are disgraced or get punished.

8) If you LOVE GOD so much, offer yourself to GOD and let He use.

9) Have patient before GOD and you will be blessed. Which means don’t do again before your marriage.

10) If your fiancé is Muslim and you comfirm that he is your husband in your life, This confirmation is made before GOD, just go on. AT that moment, let him know your God and know what he believe, share each other.
2010-05-09 10:28 am
Will god be able to forgive me for having sex without being married even though we are going to get married?

only if you ask jesus to save you and repent of sin and turn from it
romans 10:9

if we do carry on to have sex will this be bad.
yes it is very bad
it shows you are not willing to change and stop what is wrong

also my fiance is muslim is this a problem?
jehovah god saves us
allah is not jehovah god

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