I was raped two years ago, I'm 19 now and never really thought about it until now.?

2010-05-09 9:08 am
I was raped two years ago, I'm 19 now and never really thought about it until now.?
I knew the guy and the court case is coming up, it feels like everything is resurfacing again and I'm scared. Please help.

I know there is evidence and all but I live in Ireland & the conviction rate is only about 6%, I'm really freaking out now as I havn't really spoken to anybody in detail about it and I know I'll have to for the case, I'll break down, the thought makes me feel sick.

回答 (11)

2010-05-09 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's not uncommon to feel scared about this but just know how brave you are for telling someone. Maybe you could even help other girls who have been raped come forward and speak up about it. Good luck with your case, I hope that scumbag goes to jail.
2016-04-12 3:43 pm
I live in the united states and I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse , its a long process to heal, But please know you are not alone. My dad killed himself after 7 years of the abuse with me but after dss took me out the home. Just be strong and tell the truth. Remember your strength and speaking out will raise awareness in some way or the other and prevent it from happening to someone else .Sadly though sometimes justice is not always on the victims side, either way you should seek a support group , or from friends and family .take it from me do not hold it in it can eat at you and years later really mess you up. I am a stronger person today because my dad might of taken my innocence but he didn't destroy me , I will pray that you find strength and peace... YOU ARE NOT ALONE, I promise that.
2010-05-09 11:38 am
Just calm down and enjoy the peace now. When the court case get started, hope you get protected and being away from them at first. After accusation upon them, to see they admit their guilts or not. Their decision before judgement decides their prison term, of course the prison term is told by judge at last. But their attitude before judgement, the level of get hurt of victim, the level of damage to the society, the role of the criminals, what you feel about them now (you forgive them or still hate them) decides.

When a judgement comes, evidence is needed. Evidence is found out or given by victim who speak out the truth. You can decide tell part of the evidence or told out the whole process, You decides. Your feeling to let you told or stop it, just depend the processs, the flow of the judgement.

Let everyone be serious before judgement. To feel the atmosphere of judging. And the wisdom will be given by God to the judge.
2010-05-09 9:56 am
First of all, I wish to say I am very sorry for what happened to you. Nobody deserves this kind of experience. It's not unusual for us humans to suppress certain painful events. We do it to protect ourselves from the pain - I have personally suppressed many unpleasant events in my life - That's why you failed to think about it until now. I know it's going to be hard for you because you'll be forced to experience the sad memory all over again. You have to be strong. You must do it to prevent the same tragedy from happening to other girls. If you're afraid why not seek the help of a professional, such as a counselor who can help you deal with the feeling? You should also find someone to talk to, perhaps a friend or a family member.

Be strong! You can do it. You just have to believe that you can. It will soon be over and you'll be able to move on with your life. This beautiful poem "In myself I must believe," can help you. You can find it on www.islandlili.com by clicking on Blog. You must say the words with conviction. Many find solace in that poem. It's my favorite poem. I wrote it when I was going through a difficult moment in my life. I hope it'll work for you. Good luck and stay strong okay?
參考: Lili Dauphin
2010-05-09 9:18 am
In the U.S. there are what is referred to as "Victim Advocates" who are people that prepare victims for the upcoming events in their cases and help victims along the way. Not sure if Ireland has anything like that but ask around the courts and other victims you may know. Look up criminology sites and search for victimology info. Under that you may find victim advocates.
2010-05-09 9:16 am
It is completely ok to feel as you do.. you may have been blocking it or denying it for the past 2 years but now that the court case is coming up of course you are going to be thinking about it more. The fact that you have hard evidence is great, hopefully your case is part of that 6%.. I am in the US, I am not sure the differences in law but many cases are thrown out here as well since they do not always have real evidence and it is hard to tell if someone is just being vindictive and lying about it..

either way the case turns out you should seek counseling if this is causing you some distress. There is nothing wrong with you or your pain from the incident but a counselor will help you cope with what has happened and move on in a healthy manner. try to focus on you and how you are doing and not worry too much about this guy. he will get his comeuppance one way or another and I am sure this case alone has caused him a bit of distress (hopefully)..

I hope this helps a little.. just remember that this guy is of no consequence to you.. he is a dirty speck of poo on your past and it is completely up to you whether he will dirty your present or future or be left in the past where he belongs..
2010-05-09 9:16 am
you have done the hardest thing buy going to the police.
These people must be stopped, You have done nothing wrong.
If he got away with it he will still be tarred with it and has to live with it.
Best of luck
2010-05-09 9:16 am
the world still favors the brave...
good luck!
we are with u!
2010-05-09 9:16 am
be strong for the case take valium before the case to calm yourself down and have that "a hole "shammed and convicted for what he done make sure you go into detail about what happened so his parents and his jury will know like "rage in his eyes" how he swore" and threatened your life "his grasp" and how you knew you were trapped because of his strength how you were frightened for your life and how this person should be caged because he is worse than a wild animal
2010-05-09 9:10 am
Can you see a counsellor to help you ?

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission.

14th Year Psychology Student.

P.S. I hope they nail the barthtubs!

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