
2010-05-09 5:58 pm
IN the latest Audit Report, which came out last week, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) is criticized for its poor management. For example, its managers upgraded their travel and accommodation arrangements when the orchestra was on tour; some of its musicians have worked fewer hours than they ought to have under their contracts; and part of its box office income has actually come from its own purse because it has bought tickets, which it has given away.

1) 上面第一句的is criticized可唔可以用was criticized,因為佢講係上星期的report唔係應該過去了要用過去式?
2)some of its musicians have worked fewer hours......﹔part of its box office income has actually come from...... ,點解呢度用have worked唔用worked,有咩分別?另外個句的問題一樣。

1) You are smart.呢句背後的意思係指我係一個smart的人。 2) You were smart.呢句背後的意思係指我以前係一個smart的人,但現在已經唔係了。

回答 (3)

2010-05-11 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) is criticized for its poor management. 其實你不要理會那個report 的. 如果你用past tense, 就表示這個critizing 已經完成, 這可不是作者的原意啊.
some of its musicians have worked fewer hours......﹔同樣道理, 作者要表示這些問題仍然在發生, 所以一定要正視, 如果換了past tense, 就好像報導舊新聞一樣, 這問題已經過去了.
英文中的tense 很有意思, 它會表達作者的想法, past tense 是比較簡單的, 它主要是代表這個事情已經完了, 不要被太多其他的裝飾詞混亂了.如果你是初學英文, 那老師一般教你看一些詞如yesterday之類, 然後用past tense. 但實際上, 很多句子都沒有這些tips 的. 你反而要去感受作者的想法. 送你兩個例子, 如果你的老師或老闆同你講
1. You are smart.
2. You were smart.

2010-05-11 14:29:36 補充:
對了, 第一句是讚美你的, 而第二句卻是罵你, 所以用不同的tense 是有不同的意思. 當你和外國人談話時 , 是要時常留意這裡面的意思. 讀文章的時候也是一樣, 要去感受作者的想法, 而同一時間你的英文就會進步, 學英文又會變得更有趣味啦.
2010-05-13 6:09 pm
佢係講緊 事實,一定係現在式。

(a) the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) is criticized for its poor

係講緊而家份 audit report 批評緊.... (事實) 所以係現在式

(b) some of its musicians have worked fewer hours than they ought to have
under their contracts

係指現行制度下,那些樂師被發現工作少過佢係合約上約定的工時 (事實) 因此只可以用現在完成式。

1) You are smart.呢句指你(事實上)係一個 smart 的人,即係由始至終都係 smart 的人

2) You were
smart.呢句指你(曾經)係一個 smart 的人,但現在不是 smart 的人 (可能因為病、年紀或其他原因)。
2010-05-09 8:23 pm



2010-05-09 12:23:50 補充:

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