Choose the correct answer:
1. Peter ( ) fifty next Friday.
A. is B. is going to be C. are D. are going to be
2. Oh no! I've broken the vase. What ( )?
A. shall I do B. am I going to say C. shall I doing D. do
3. By the time you arrive, I'll ( ) working for two hours.
A. be B. have be C. had been D. have been
4. I ( ) TV when the telephone rang.
A. watched B. was watching C. are watching D. have watched
5. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I've ( ) had lunch.
A. yes B. still C. already D. ever
6. My mother did not let me ( ) late when I was a teenager.
A. stay out B. to stay out C. stayed out D. staying out
7. Would you like ( ) chicken?
A. any B. a C. one D. some
8. He has ( ) friends in Chicago.
A. a lot B. few of C. a few D. much
1. 以下那部著作不是中國四大名著之一?
A. 《西遊記》 B. 《西廂記》 C. 《水滸傳》 D. 《紅樓夢》
2. 《聊齋誌異》的作者是誰?
A. 蒲松齡 B. 湯顯祖 C. 沈從文 D. 羅貫中
3. 以下那部文學作品不是魯迅先生的著作?
A. 《狂人日記》 B. 《孔乙己》 C. 《阿Q正傳》 D. 《冰風》
4. 孟子認為人與生俱來便有《仁》、《義》、《禮》及哪種善端?
A. 《信》 B. 《智》 C. 《愛》 D. 《德》
5. 孔子被後世尊稱為 ( ) ?
A. 孔聖 B. 次聖 C. 亞聖 D. 至聖
6. 詞的體制約分為詞牌、分片、平仄、韻腳及 ( ) 五個重點。
A. 字眼 B. 字型 C. 字數 D. 字體
7. 請填上合適成語:一 ( ) 千金
A. 樂 B. 落 C. 擲 D. 擇
可以的話請給予解釋 謝謝